How You Met: John Wayne Gacy

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It was February 14th 1966 and it was Valentine's Day and love was in the air. To say that you hated Valentines Day was an understatement. While you we're growing up your dad was your valentine but he sadly passed away from a sudden heart attack. Ever since the death of your father your mother hasn't really been home to take care of you or to share in the joy when you get a good grade on something that you'd study so hard for. Today you would find out something that should make your mom proud and extremely happy for you. Today you would find out that you are graduating early. You we're in class when the speaker came on.

Teacher: Yes?

Principal: May I see Ms. Y/L/N in my office please?

Teacher: She's in her way.

The class all oohed because at your school if you get called to the principals office it means that your in trouble and nothing comes good from getting in trouble from your old bitch of a principal.

Teacher: Now settle down.

When you had gotten there you saw the principal with a smile on his face.

Y/N: You wanted to see me?

Principal: Ah yes. You know that test that you took a couple months ago last year?

Y/N: Yes.

Principal: Well the state has looked at it and we have your results. You are going to be graduating early.

You we're shocked. Your not even in the top of your class and your already graduating early. You hoped your mom would be super proud of you when you told her about your results.

Y/N: Thank you.

You then left the office and went back to class. On your way back to class someone had ran into you.

Boy: Oh I'm so sorry.

Y/N: It's ok. I'm Y/N what's your name?

Boy: I'm John Wayne Gacy but people just call me John.

Y/N: Well John nice it meet you. So where are you headed John?

John: I'm trying to find the science room do you know where that would be?

Y/N: I'm headed there right now follow me.

As you guys we're making your way towards your class you guys had made some small talk and you guys even found out that you had a lot in common with each other. You had just opened the door and you we're laughing at something that he had said when your teacher called you out.

Teacher: What's so funny Ms. Y/L/N? And who is this young man?

Y/N: Nothing ma'am oh and this is John.

Teacher: Oh welcome John so nice to meet you. Why don't you take a seat next to Y/N.

He did as he was told and he sat down in the empty seat next to you. You helped him get caught up on what he had learned at his old school and what you guys are doing here at your school. Throughout class you guys got weird stares from the girls because he was quite handsome but he was sitting next to you. But you didn't let that bother you. When class was finally over for the day you guys had started to part ways at the school entrance.

John: So I'll see you around sometime?

Y/N: Yeah.

After you both had waved goodbye to one another you had started walking down the road towards your house. You can't wait to see him again.

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