He Meets Your Child For The First Time

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Your boyfriend Bryan was going out with his friends to do some photo shoot things but he didn't want to leave you alone. You told him that you we're fine and you told him to go hang out with his friends and that you'll have your phone on you to call him just incase you we're about to have the baby. He kissed you on the forehead and went out with his friends. You not knowing that you we're gonna have the baby.

Time Skip: A few hours later.

You we're doing your daily walking around the house because your doctor told you to do that. You we're in the kitchen about to take some vitamins when you got a huge cramp so you took your vitamins and went to the bathroom. You had then decided to take a quick shower. While you we're in the shower your water had broken and so after you got out of the shower and got dressed you had called your doctor. She had told you to come in immediately because she was already there. Luckily you had all of your stuff packed and you got them into the car and made your way to the hospital. When you got there you called Bryan.

Y/N: Bryan?

Bryan: Hey babe.

Y/N: You need to get here now.

Bryan: Where are you? Is the baby ok?

Y/N: Bryan get your ass to the hospital it's time.

Bryan: Ok try to hang on I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

You we're resting when you felt pressure and the urge to push. So you called the nurses station and they came rushing in. You hadn't pushed yet only because you we're waiting on Bryan. The doctor told you to push and as you pushed the one time Bryan had arrived. You didn't know what you guys we're having until the birth. You looked up and saw Bryan.

Doc: Do you guys want to know what you're having?

You nodded your head yes.

Doc: Bryan how about you tell her.

He looked at the baby to see what the gender was and then he started crying. You got scared but then he looked up at you.

Bryan: Baby we have our princess. We have a girl!

You both we're smiling ear to ear and you guys heard cheering from the window because the door was open. You can't wait to start your new life with your little girl.


You and your boyfriend Chris are 19 years old and your having a baby. When you told him he was scared but he was thrilled. His brother was so excited that he told his mom over FaceTime and she ended up being excited. Your parents on the other hand didn't take you seriously but they we're happy for you but they didn't want to have contact with you until after you had the baby. Today you guys are preparing for a home birth for your son. Once you got everything set up you guys ate dinner took showers and got ready for bed early so that you got plenty of sleep for when your son comes.

Time Skip:  Contractions.

You we're laying in bed next to Chris when you got a super sharp pain in your side and that woke you up. You couldn't even breathe because the pain was so bad. This caused Chris to wake up and see you slumped over the edge of the bed not breathing.

Chris: Y/N? Baby what's wrong?

Once you could breathe you turned to him to talk to him.

Y/N: I had a really bad contraction.

Chris: I'm calling the midwife to get her over here to come look at you.

Y/N: Ok babe.

He called the midwife and then he hung up the phone. Chris had come over to you to help you down the stairs. When you got to the first step one of the bedroom doors opened. It just so happened to be his best friend Tyler. You guys didn't have to talk to each other to know what was going on. The only job that he was given when you went into labor was that he wake everyone up so they can get ready for the birth of your son. By the time the midwife had gotten there you we're in extreme pain an hour water had broken. The midwife went to check you when she felt the head. Chris was in swim trunks and Bryan was in front of you holding your hands and before you knew it you we're ready to push.

Time Skip: Baby crying.

After the midwife had cleaned your baby up a little you and Chris couldn't stop crying at the life that you had brought into this world. You looked up and saw that the rest of the boys we're crying. After you could get onto the couch with Chris behind you both you and Chris held the baby. The both of you couldn't wait to see your son grow up.


You and Tyler have been dating on and off since high school and at one point he proposed to you but that didn't last very long but you still kept the ring. One night the both of you got together and before you knew it you ended up pregnant. When you found out he was in LA at the time and so you called him. When you told him he was happy. The both of you decided to clean up your acts for the baby. Before you could move to LA you had to find out what you we're having and you we're having twins. When you got to LA and you told him he was shocked but happy. Your parents on the other hand we're not and so you had officially moved in with Tyler and his friends. You couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with Tyler.

Time Skip: At the hospital.

You we're a day past your due date and so you we're being induced. Once the induction took place that's when everything started and before you knew it you had your twins a boy and a girl. You couldn't wait to see who they would look like.


You and Darius have been dating for a long time and his parents love you and you guys have been wanting to start a family but when you guys got married first. But that will not be the case. You found out that you we're pregnant and both families seemed to be happy. So you guys started to prepare for your baby with the help of your friends and everything was falling into place.

Time Skip: The Birth.

You woke up the next day and you we're in pain so you went to see what was wrong and you saw that your water had broken in your sweats. Your water had broken in your fave sweat pants but that didn't matter to you right now. You then called Darius into the bathroom and he took one look at you and knew what he was told to do if you guys couldn't make it to the hospital. When everything was all set up and you we're on the plastic covered bed in so much pain that as soon as you laid down you had to puke. When you we're done you got some rest through the pain but not for very long. Before you knew it you we're ready to give birth.

Time Skip: Baby being born.

When your baby girl was born he had done everything but cut the cord because he wanted to wait until the midwife got there to do it because he didn't want to mess it up. Nobody knew that you guys had a baby until they all heard crying. They all came in only to see you guys with a baby. Everyone was happy and surprised. You looked at Darius holding your daughter for the first time and you knew right in that moment that he was the one for you.

A\N: Tristan and Dayne's are gonna be where they met their child for the first time.


Where: The hospital.

How he felt: When he saw your baby girl Octavia for the first time he felt like the happiest man on the planet with his girls.


Where: Over the phone during FaceTime.

How he felt: He was at a social media party near the Dream LA house when you had called him. After you talked to him for a little bit you showed him your son. All of his friends came over to see what he was looking at and it was their nephew. He was smiling ear to ear and couldn't wait to meet his baby boy in your recovery room in person the next day.

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