chapter 105

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The girls in a short notice prepared everything. Sowon had even made a list of things to do (after all she is the master mind of the group).

First they pampered themselves with facial masks and moisturizers. "I haven't done this in relaxing~", jihyo said plopping her on sowon's bed and relaxing herself. "We should do this every Month", sinB said.

"Do you guys think you'll get time to do these?", jihyo asked them. "Whats wrong? We have time", yuju said.

"You guys have time but soon you'll also start doing mafia things too with the boys", she answered and everyone looked at each other.

"Why will we do mafia work? We don't belong to mafia families", yerin chuckled. "I know but after you all get married with the boys, the wives of mafia leaders are also involved in mafia work", jihyo grinned and everyone except eunha coughed.

"Who said we are marrying them?", Yuju asked. "Well unnie, you have Alot to go through...but about them I think it's obvious", eunha teased while winking at the three adults.

The three girls saw how red were sowon, yerin and sinB. "Ooo~ so your accepting unnies?", Yuju also teased.

"You maknaes should be tought a lesson..look how you guys are talking", sinB scolds. "Hey! I'm in the unnie line don't drag me, eunha started first", Yuju said blaming eunha.

"Dont tell me this is not true, afterall you Guys kissed each other except sinB unnie and umji unnie!", eunha said pointing to sowon and yerin.

"How did you find out!?", they both yelled at the same time making jihyo, sinB and Yuju gasp.

"I accidentally listened to your conversations..", eunha answered, regretting what she said. "Why didn't you guys told us!?", sinB asked the both adults and yuju nodded.

"We didn't told you because we were too ashamed to tell you guys", yerin said. "We are forgiving you this time unnies but next time we want every detail", eunha said pouting. "Ofcourse best friends forever right?", sowon smiled and everyone nodded.

"Now guys can we stop talking about the boys and wash our faces? My mask has dried.", yuju said and everyone went to the washroom taking turns to wash off their mask.

"My skin is glowing so much, thanks sowon your mask really is effective", yerin said. "Now what next?", sinB asked wipping her face with a towel.

"Pizza making!" eunha squealed and sowon chuckled. " making", she said and got up with everyone.

"I though yerin unnie is the most hungry between us?", sinB asked and resulting in getting a smack on her arm by yerin.

"Its just I'm excited to make pizza!", eunha said.


The boys had reached them area with their men behind. They were located at the dock itself in a old warehouse.

They all grouped and namjoon spoke. "Okay so as they have no powerful background so we can distract and tackle them easily by ourselves. While Ray you take the rest of the men and quickly look for our goods and as you will find them you will load the goods before contacting us. Got the plan?" he asked and after everyone nodded they went separate ways.

Taehyung had already located where their warehouse was, in the corner end of those big metal boxes. Jungkook and yoongi were in the front while namjoon and jimin were at the end. As They reached right behind the warehouse doors. They counted one to three before jungkook and jimin broke the doors with their legs.

It was dark inside, so taehyung successfully managed to bring the lights on and as it did, there was no one.

"Jungkook and jimin check the rooms, yoongi and hoseok check around the warehouse from outside and taehyung, Jin you both search for clues", namjoon said.

"What will you do then?", Jin asked and namjoon just smiled and went to the couch which was on the corner.

"I'm gonna relax..", he said earning a growl from his members. But as he was about to sit on it, the couch broke down and many strings came out from it.

"Bloody couch..taehyung remind me to give them some money for buying a new and strong couch", he said and went to check the rooms.

After 2 minutes they gathered at the middle of the room. "Found anything?", yoongi asked and to get nothing by the others.

"I think they left...", jungkook said. ". "No jungkook lets not jump into conclusions", jimin said.

"Its oddly silence over here..", Jin said but taehyung shrugged it.

"We searched the whole place but what did we find? A worn out couch", yoongi said and the maknae line chuckled.

"There's nothing..let's just take our stuff and go home", jhope said and as every one was about to exit the ware house but the doors automatically closed.

"What the fuck yoongi and hoseok!? I told you guys to check the whole area now what is this game?", namjoon said.

"Hey if you think they didn't checked the whole warehouse then you should've checked it on your own instead of blaming them", Jin scolded.

"Hyung why do you both fight like our mom and dad!?", taehyung suddenly spoke and shutting them up.

Both namjoon and Jin ripped their gazes from each other and send deadly glares to taehyung and he just gulped.

"What did you just say?", they both asked at the same time.

"Oh no..", taehyung mumbled. "He's dead", jungkook said to jimin and he nodded. Before namjoon and Jin turned someone started laughing.

"You guys are such dorks, your masters send you here but instead we send your dead bodies but still they send you boys here", a person says showing his shadow from the door.

"First show yourself, then we'll see who's the big dork here", yoongi said.

Just then to be exact fifteen to twenty men gathered behind the person who was hiding.

"Such confidence? I like it", the same person said and then suddenly a net dropped, capturing them by hanging in the air.

"Did no one of you noticed this huge trap!?", jhope said.

"I had noticed but I thought they used it for capturing fishes so I didn't find anything weird", jungkook replied.

"What the hell? Yoongi do your work man I'm not here to get caught as a giant fish", Jin scolded and sat down.

"Will you shut up hyung?", he replied taking out a sharp blade under his arms and cut the whole net in seconds and they landed on their feet except taehyung and jhope who had fall on their chest.

"Oof! Hyung at least you could've told us that you were cutting the net with a swish....", taehyung said getting on his feet with jhope and dusting of his shirt.

"Hey! If you wanna describe my shirt then describe it correctly! Gucci shirt", taehyung scolded.

"Okay okay Gucci branded shirt is that okay now?", author nim.

"Yah taehyung quit fighting with author nim!", jimin yelled.

"Thank you jimin", author. Jimin blushed and returned back to send daggers to taehyung.

"Sorry..", taehyung said to jimin and stared at the opposite team. "Looks like you guys are new to the Job", namjoon chuckled.

"So what? Should we be scared?" Another person said. "You better cuz we are your worst nightmare coming true" jungkook smirked and the men got angry.

"Attack!", they said and the boys also went for attacking.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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