All's Well That Ends Well

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"Crow's a bit much, don't you think?" Stefan said finally after standing in silence for far too long. Damon gave him a side glance. "You should see what I can do with the fog," he remarked. "When did you get here?" Stefan interrogated. Damon stopped meddling with the trinkets littering Stefan's desk and gave his brother a resting bitch-face.

"Well, I couldn't miss your first day of school," he snarked. "Your hair is different. I like it." Stefan shook his head in annoyance.

Damon was stalling.

And he knew that Stefan knew he was stalling.

The question is: why?

Well, whatever the reason, he probably wasn't going to find out tonight.

"So, you went to see Dean first, I see," Stefan changed the subject casually. Damon froze dead in his tracks. "Maybe I did," he answered vaguely. "Why did you?" Stefan badgered. Damon clenched his jaw making his already sharp jawline look even sharper. "What's it to you?" Damon countered. "Maybe I just wanted to see if my brother's boyfriend was good enough for him."

"Oh, please. You stopped acting like my brother a long time ago," Stefan scoffed dismissively. "Besides, I think you're confusing which one of us is more inclined to having a boyfriend, Damon." His brother bit his lip and shrugged, "What can I say? I like what I like." Stefan looked unamused by his brother's antics, causing the older Vampire to sigh. "Look, little brother, if you want to know what Dean and I have been up to, then ask him yourself," Damon retorted. "You guys are besties after all."

Now, Stefan was getting aggravated. He expected Damon to get cagey about why he was back in Mystic Falls, but now he has to worry about his brother's perverted interest (whatever it may be) in his best friend. This was starting to shape up to be a shitty homecoming as far as Stefan was concerned.

"It's been fifteen years, Damon," Stefan griped sourly. "Technically, it's only been thirteen, since you contacted me two years ago desperately pleading for my help with Dean," Damon corrected smugly.

"Yes, thank you for that reminder. What are you doing here?" Stefan demanded. "Is it wrong for a 170-year-old vampire to miss his little brother?" Damon asked innocently, though his eyes told a different story. "You hate small towns," Stefan countered. "It's boring, there's nothing for you to do."

Damon clicked his tongue nodded his head in agreement. "True, but I've managed to keep myself busy."

"You know, you left that girl alive tonight," Stefan began, "and you left her where the Winchesters could find her. That was very clumsy of you." Damon's lips quirked up in a mischievous grin. "Was it though? I mean, don't get me wrong, it is a problem... For you." The younger Salvatore shook his head in dismay at his older brother's actions. "Why are you here now?" he inquired.

"I could ask you the same question," Damon contradicted. "However, I'm fairly certain that your answer can be summed up to one little word... Elena."

* * *

The ambulance had just arrived along with animal control and gently placed Vicki on the gurney and loaded her into the back of the ambulance. Matt followed in after her, shutting the door behind him as the truck drove off to the hospital. Dean watched as the ambulance pulled out of the parking lot and barely noticed when Sam came up to stand beside him. "I took care of the other body," he said in a low tone.

"Salted and burned?" Dean asked, not taking his eyes away from where the ambulance was moments ago. "Standard procedure as always," Sam replied. Dean nodded his head. "Good."

"Hey, Dean!" Elena said, making both brothers turn around. "Elena, hey!" Sam stuttered. Dean gave her a half-smile. Without even knowing the full story, Sam instantly got the sense that they needed to talk about something in private and cleared his throat loudly. "I'm just gonna go see if Bonnie and Caroline need help cleaning up," he announced.

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