Night of the Comet: Elena III

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Hours later, I was at my house helping Aunt Jenna with dinner, and I couldn't help but rant to her about what I found out from Damon today. "So, wait, how does Damon know Dean again?" Jenna asked.

"I genuinely don't know, but however he does, they seem to have quite the history together," I answered. "The way that they looked at each other when they met, clearly a lot of unresolved tension; Stefan was even more so."

"Well, what else did you find out?" she inquired. "Dean has supposedly cut himself off from his emotions since his break up with his ex, and Stefan has raging family and ex-girlfriend issues," I responded. Jenna gave me a compassionate look. "Well, it could be worse than an ex-girlfriend," she smiled. "And even though he lost his parents, Dean still seems like a good kid. Consider yourself lucky."

I let out a sigh of resignation and shrugged. "I guess you're right."
Just then, I heard the click of the front door unlock, and Jeremy walked in. I watched as Jenna chased after him and tried her damnedest to get through to him. However, just like I expected it did no good.

As she walked back into the kitchen and gave her what I hope was a reassuring look that said, "at least you tried." "I just don't get why I can't get through to him," Jenna groaned.

"Maybe it's not our job to get through to him," I said instinctively. We both paused and looked at each other. "What's that supposed to mean?" She said, quirking her eyebrow. "I just mean that we can only do so much to get through to him, but ultimately he has to want to help himself," I stated. "All we can do is be there for him when he finally snaps out of it."

Jenna studied me curiously, as I went back to chopping. I could feel her gaze on me but said nothing. "That's actually some really good advice," she huffed after a period of silence. "Who told you that?"

I smirked secretively. "Just someone who's lived a little longer than me."

She pursed her lips in response, before going back to the stove.

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