To Romance A Charming Rogue : Part 07

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Gauri wakes up early the next day and remembering the mess Om and she had created the night before in the kitchen she decides to clean it before the maid comes. She quickly hurries to the kitchen after her bath and starts cleaning the kitchen. Realizing that it was Priyanka's birthday she thinks of wishing her but then changes her mind, Om would want to wish his sister first. She will wait till he wishes her.

After cleaning the kitchen, Gauri was washing her hands when Om walks in. "I was looking for you." Om tells her.

Gauri doesn't look at him as she was feeling too shy to look at him after what had happened the night before. Om walks towards her and gently tucks the hair strand that had got lose from her bun and asks her, "Are you okay?"

Gauri nods her head blushing.

"Why did you go off like that?"

"I didn't want Prinku to find out."

"Look at me." Om tells her. Gauri turns to look at him and caressing her cheek he says, "That was the best night of my life."

"Even mine." Gauri tells him smiling happily.

"I know." He smirks.

Gauri swats him irately and then smiling happy she hugs him.

"Is Prinku still sleeping?"

"Yes. We have to wish her."

"Later." Om tells her grinning and lifting her up he takes her to his room.

Gauri & Om together wish Prinku. Then Gauri spend the rest of the day with Om and Prinku celebrating Priyanka's birthday. In the evening, Om dropped Gauri home. After spending some time with her mother, Gauri decides to get ready for bed as Om would be calling her soon, thankfully Prinku had patched up with Ranveer so she won't be calling tonight.

Gauri was dozing off waiting for Om to call as she hadn't slept the previous night. Hearing her mobile ring she comes awake with a start and picks the call seeing it was Om.

"Hey." Gauri says smiling.

"Which is your bedroom?"

"What?" Gauri asks confused.

"I'm here. Tell me how to get in."

"WHAT?" Gauri shouts in shock and runs to her window and sees Om had parked his car on the side of her house where he had picked her up that night she had sneaked out with him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Gauri asks in a furious whisper looking at him as he stood by his car and was looking at her house.

"Now, what kind of a question is that? Why do you think I am here?"

"Why are you here?" Gauri asks him furiously knowing too well why he was there.

"I am horny."

"I am not your midnight booty call!"

"Come on, Gauri."

"We just did it in the morning!"

"I can't get enough of you, love!"

"Go home!"

"Let me come in, Gauri." Om says sweetly.



"Om!" Gauri says in an angry tone though heat was spreading throughout her body.

"I am not going to go. Let someone catch me!"

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