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"You can't change the world without getting your hands dirty"
— Lelouch Lamperouge

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Politics always led to an inevitable disagreement.

Dissatisfaction was an inconvenience that intertwined itself into the lives of many. No matter what choice was made in order to stabilise an uprising chaos; there will always be a factor deemed imperfect and insufficient, people craved perfection in things that weren't made to be perfect— remaining blind to the significance of balance. If bad didn't exist; good will lose it's value. If there are no flaws; perfection will lack definition. To have ultimate peace, meant the eradication of all that created conflict— but without conflict, surely it meant that nothing was ever peaceful to begin with?

It was never Shisui's intention to involve himself in state affairs or to become a representative ambassador of the Uchiha Clan, one that was bestowed with the power of constructing solutions to problems that were never really problems to begin with— more like dissatisfaction with life style and increase in mortality rates within the Village he dearly cared about. Perhaps that was why he was currently sat in a meeting, where tension was high. Although he hated when situations were overcomplicated, he had to partake in matters that determined the lives of others.

After all, he had the power to determine if someone lived or not.

"Data from the forensics team have been commissioned." Inoichi opened the file and placed it in the middle of the table for two to see. "Results are the same as the last. There's no notable DNA or evidence that could allow us to progress our investigation or press any charges against any suspicious persons."

Shisui glanced at his senior, Morino, whose eyebrows were furrowed in frustration.

"What about the victims' bodies?" He asked- well, demanded. It was clear that he was on the verge of clawing someone to death from the endless nights of stressful work.

Inoichi pressed his lips into a firm line. "It's becoming even more difficult to access their minds. Throughout my time working here, I've never encountered a countermeasure to a Yamanaka's Jutsu, let alone retain any physical harm in doing so. Even after death, their minds are inaccessible."

"Background information?"

"A couple of ex roots and normal civilians, nothing out of the ordinary in the way they lived their lives. However, the recent victims had consumed alcohol within the last twenty-four hours."

"What about Danzo's stolen documents?"

"Still haven't been found."

"The riots?"

"Stopped a couple of months ago after the attack at the aviary."


"The bodies undergo the same procedure of burning. They are currently conducting another autopsy."

Ibiki took a harrowingly, slow breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What about the Genjutsu itself? Any new mutations? Changes? Clues as to what it actually is?"

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