24| Art

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"Don't live your life regretting yesterday. Live your life so tomorrow you won't regret today." – Catherine Pulsifer

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"Art is something that is ephemeral, hm? It lasts for a fleeting moment and during that shortened period of time you are blessed to witness beauty in it's true form. Why is that so hard to understand?!"

"Maybe because your opinion is invalid." Sasori stated bluntly, ignoring the way the blonde dramatically gasped. "Art is something that is created and chips away over a long period of time. It isn't something that is momentary."

"Yes it is!" The blond insisted stubbornly, even adding a little stomp to his feet causing Sasori to raise his eyebrow at his tantrum. "You're truly blinded from art. True art... is an explosion!"

"Why can't you just agree that both your opinions are right?" Kisame groaned, massaging his temples with his index fingers. "And then maybe... shut up?"

"You know since you have a mouth on your hand, which by the way is fucking weird, does that mean if you cover someone's mouth because they're talking too much, you're kissing them?" Hidan questioned randomly.

All argument ceased immediately. Deidara, the blond with irrelevant opinions, gaped like the fool he is. Kisame pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly and Sasori blinked.

"I truly do wonder what goes through your head at times." Sasori muttered.

"Hot chicks, sex, food, money, sex, sex, occasionally older woman but not that old, more food, food again-" He began listing, counting each point with his fingers. "Occasionally life. And some other weird, crazy shit that I don't even know myself. It's fucking weird in there you know."

"I didn't literally mean-" the red-head stopped, and shook his head. "Never mind. How long are we waiting here for?"

After Kisame, Kakuzu and Naomi had led them to an underground hideout within the facility of a random cave concealed with trees, it had made him all the more suspicious. What was the need to go through so much trouble to remain hidden? They were currently waiting in a empty room and the more he waited for their leader to grant them permission to enter, the more the air inside felt dense. It had been long since Sasori had stayed within the compound of a permanent accommodation, all he did was travel around the world with Hidan hoping that through helping others it'll lighten the heavy pain on his chest from his past sins. But nothing he could do would ever bring back the people he had selfishly killed. Nothing.

To others, he would always be known as Akasuna no Sasori, the man who slaughtered enemies during the Third Shinobi World War like he was a killing machine and also the man who had murdered innocent people for unlicensed transgressions. He was given another chance, but how would he ever be able to prove himself?

A life for a life, did your soul reborn. A guardian of all, to serve and protect the future in secrecy, an otherworldly gift to be used wisely and a duty that must be fulfilled. You shall use your insight as a guidance to your destiny and only then you will know what to do.

That was right. He couldn't give up yet, there was a purpose he was given. That was the reason why he had the patience to wait in a air-scarce cave with a bunch of fools.

"I don't know." Kisame shrugged, sitting cross-legged on the stone ground. "I was just told to keep a close-eye on you in case you pull anything."

"Shouldn't we be worried that you will pull anything?" Sasori scoffed.

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