𝟖𝟑| Good And Bad

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"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
— David Foster Wallace

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To: Yahiko
From: Hellhound
Location: unknown

Do you know what a hellhound is?

It's a creature, unlike any animal or man. They are ruthless, vicious creatures with teeth that hang from their gums like icicles hanging from glaciers. They don a crown of iron thorns and their fur is made from an armour of heat and fire that burns brighter than the flames that wither in the solitude of hell; a lone plain belonging to the devils of the Forgotten Lands. The devils are vengeful and harbingers of spite and evil, fostering such hatred from their banishment. The devils are the doers of all that is corrupt and their hounds snap at the feet of those who try to stop them from reigning chaos.

Then there are wolves.

Wolves are not earthen animals, nor are they considered animals, but rather fiercely, loyal guardians of all that is considered light. They are the opposite of the devil's hounds, for they are not weapons but friends of the honoured light that live within the walls of the Promised Lands.

It is said that wolves have an innate instinct to protect Shizen's kin, the purest of the pure, and heed to the calls of its creator. They are creatures that are born to serve and serve to die. Though, death to them, is only a new beginning. A reunion of light and departure of dark.

But in the end, they are all merely a passage within a book...


To: Yahiko
From: Hellhound
Location: unknown

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is gain. Knowledge is danger.

Many perish, unable to withstand the burden that is to obtain knowledge and utilise it accordingly. To not be susceptible to greed and personal desires, to help others and to safeguard the mind from the unknown. The known is the antidote, but the unknown is the poison to the weak-hearted. You mustn't falter, you mustn't stumble, you mustn't look over your shoulders for if they sight your eyes— your identity will be exposed. It is your duty to seek knowledge so that those after you will stride towards the answers as a result of your struggle.

The past is the ultimate source of knowledge. To know how an event will impact the present and the future, you must understand why it came to be to begin with. Why everything is the way it is. Why ancient feuds exist. Why hatred brews in its midst. Why innocent shall atone for the sinners.

Time erases books, but never memories.

The source of knowledge is written by her hands, by their hands, a line of innocent sinners. A journal that can only be opened by the Master of Wolves.

For she is the beginning of sacrifice.

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