𝟓𝟗| The Third Exam

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"It doesn't matter what you do, if you live and die as you like. However, no matter what road you end up taking, remember to protect the people that are precious to you."
– Sarutobi Hiruzen

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"This is..." Kei exclaimed, her eyes re-scanning over the documents in her hands. "-insane! Domestic issues are dealt by the police, right? Why are they getting Shinobi involved? Unless, of course, this is more than just a public outrage and there is a bigger threat than what meets the eye— what's the verdict in Kakashi land?"

"Still processing." Kakashi mumbled.

"Is it just me or does everything seem so... chaotic? I mean with the refugees, the nobles, the petty rivalry between Konoha's Clans, the riots, the storm, the swarm of new missions about the recent mass eradication of refugee camps near the boarders, the shortage of Ninja, the third exam. Isn't the most logical thing to do is to postpone the exams until everything is a bit more... stable?" Kei retorted, letting out a tired sigh as she rubbed her eyes.

Frowning, Kakashi stood up and wrapped his arms around his purple-haired lover, forcing her to rest her forehead against his shoulder. He then began to pat her head. "There, there, stop stressing yourself. Stress isn't good for-"

"—the baby, otherwise your hormones will be unbalanced and you don't want it to affect your health. It's not like you've said that to me a hundred times already!" Kei scoffed, trying to escape from his embrace.

"Then that means you should stop stressing out about everything!" Kakashi said pointedly.

"I can't stop stressing about everything if everything is so damn stressful!" Kei threw her hands up in the air in frustration.


Kei rolled her eyes. "Sorry, father."

"Well, I prefer da-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence."

"Why?" Kakashi smirked. "It's not like you told me that when we're in- ow!" He winced, rubbing his forehead that Kei had whacked.

"You deserve that, I ought to tell Shina that you've been hanging around Jaraiya too much."

Kakashi's eyes widened in fear, Kushina was terrifying and you'd be a fool if you happened to get on her bad side. "Now, now- let's not get hasty."

Kei smirked smugly. "That's what I thought. So... are you going to tell me what's really going on?"

Kakashi blinked, feigning confusion. "Huh?"

Kei peered up at him knowingly. "I know you know why Sensei is acting off with everything going on, but he isn't telling me because you told him not to tell me. So either you tell me yourself or I will be mad at you for telling him not to tell me anything and in result, I'll give you the silent treatment for the rest of the week."

"Silent treatment?" Kakashi gaped in incredulity.

Kei narrowed her eyes. "Yes, the silent treatment. You know I could stick to it as well for as long as possible so don't test me, Kashi."

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