6| Pass

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"A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."
– David Brinkley

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Sasuke was crouched behind a flock of bushes as he watched the events unfold in front of him, with remnants of dirt clinging onto his Uchiha attire from being shoved beneath the ground- his head embarrassingly poking out. Kakashi had made a fool out of him, an Uchiha. He knew the chances of fighting a Jounin and winning were scarce, but he thought he'd do a good enough job in order to at least snatch the bells before he was ceased.

But what was happening in front of him was far more advanced than his current progress.

Dawn was an infuriating classmate of his who had always managed to slip away without anyone noticing and slipped in like she was always on a mission. She was quiet, blended into the background and certainly no one of importance. She didn't even have a surname or originate from any clan so why was it than she had managed to handle herself better than he could've done against a Jounin? How was it that she'd managed to pin him up against a tree? At this rate, he'd never be able to beat Itachi. Not as he was right now. Not when a girl like her had put him in a disadvantage and even had the audacity to talk back to him.

Once the bell rang, the four sat silently with Naruto tied to the stump like the knucklehead he was. It was just his luck that he was placed on a team that'd drag him down. His father being aware of Naruto's reckless tendencies would likely not approve of this arrangement, though won't voice his opinion due to the blond being the son of the Fourth Hokage. There was no guarantee that he won't hold back when it came to Sakura, she was a visible nuisance and clearly weak. And a girl with a wolf that looked like it murdered a front line of Shinobi? He'd probably order a restraining order. Not that he cared, Sasuke despised the sight of her. Something about her made his blood boil to the extent he thirsted for her blood to shed. An emotion that he was well too wary about.

Around ten minutes later, his Sensei and the woman he didn't bother remembering the name of, appeared. "Well, there's no need for you guys to return back to the Academy." Kakashi announced rubbing his hands together.

"Really?" Naruto exclaimed, grinning like a fool. "Then that means all four of us..."

He smiled complacently. "Yes. All four of you... should quit ever becoming Shinobi." His smile disappeared in an instant.

Quit ever becoming a Shinobi? The words echoed in his mind, making his blood run cold. He failed? He can't fail, there's no way he could fail. He just couldn't. Failing would simply put everything at risk. He was already behind Itachi, he graduated the Academy when he was only seven. Sasuke was thirteen and still couldn't keep up with him. And what would his Father say, there's no way he'd take it lightly hearing that he'd have to repeat another year.

"Quit as Ninjas?" Sakura screeched.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, his tightened jaw causing his teeth to grind against each other so abrasively that he could've sworn he heard a crack. "What are you getting at?"

Kakashi stared dead straight into everyone's eyes. "Because all of you are just novices who don't deserve to become Ninjas."

Before Sasuke knew it, all he saw was red when he charged towards Kakashi blinded by his own rage as he was instantly pinned to the ground with his hand tightly folded behind his back and Kakashi's foot digging between the bones of his shoulder. Sasuke grunted and struggled to escape from his restrained position, his annoyance increasing by the sounds of Sakura's pleads to Kakashi to let him go. He didn't need help, he could do it by himself. He could become a Ninja by himself. Just as he was told to do so.

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