𝟏𝟏| Nerves

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"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
– Thomas A. Edison

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Dawn never prided herself in being knowledgeable in Konoha's history, she could barely remember the names of the past Hokage's whose heads creepily made eye contact with every citizen the moment their eyes gazed upon the grand, stone monument. However, she did know of Minato Namikaze, the man who had been insistent upon her stay in the Hidden Leaf Village after she had recovered in the hospital- almost pleadingly- as if it physically tore him apart to see a child, the same age his son had been, with bandages smothering every inch of her skin.

She remembered how kind his eyes were, his eyes being a shade lighter than Naruto's ceruleans. Such kindness never existed in a world like this, kindness was merely a death trap concealed with a hope-giving facade, designed to lure the weak-hearted and vulnerable. As the years swept by, she didn't see any reason to feel undermined by the Hokage's kindness... yet. Nor will she let her guard down.

It also occurred to her how different Naruto was to his father. The Hokage was a walking sea of calmness; a bubble that never bursts, whereas Naruto was erratic like a thunderous, windy night; a bubble that always bursts. The way Naruto's eyes clashed with his Father's in almost a venomous glare made Dawn ponder as to what had brewed this anger. She had her suspicions, considering back in the Academy kids would always compare the way he was an utter failure and embarrassment in comparison to the Yellow Flash of Konoha- as she heard people dub the Hokage as. Albeit, she had never seen him fight before, but assumed that his high position meant he had to be very powerful in order to protect a large village such as the Leaf.

"So, Kashi, your next team mission is babysitting an elder's grandson... shopping in the neighbouring village... picking weeds... walking dogs... potato digging-"

"No!" Naruto yelled in rebuttal, his arms crossed in an 'x'. "I refuse to do any of those stupid missions anymore! They're so boring and repetitive, nothing exciting happens." He scoffed.

There were a few pros and cons to the lack of difficulty of the missions they had been given. A pro was that it was a good form exercise by constantly making their way around the village and exploring new places she had never bothered to visit before, a con being that it didn't challenge her skills and that being anywhere beyond the walls of the Village unnerved her in such a way she was almost shaking.

They can't find you... they probably forgot about you. Dawn convinced herself. Sensing her unease, Jiro subconsciously scooted towards the small girl- his fur tickling her shoulders.

"Missions aren't to be something that is exciting." Kakashi commented wryly, whacking Naruto on the back of his head. "Each mission we complete benefits each member of our Village, like voluntary contribution- except I'm forcing you to do the work and you're not contributing much other than accidentally pulling out a poor, old woman's vegetables she spent hard growing."

"That's because I attended the Academy to be a Ninja, ya know." Naruto deadpanned and crossed his arms stubbornly. "Not a gardener."

"And yet, you fail at being a Ninja as well." Sasuke retorted with a smirk.

The blond whirled his head towards the Uchiha angrily. "What did you say you bastard?"

"You heard me, or are you loss at hearing too?"

"Shut up you duck-hide!"

"Don't tell me to shut up, dumbass."

"Don't tell me what to do you idiot!"

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