𝟏𝟐| Masochist

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"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
– Babe Ruth

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The five watched as two Ninjas emerged from the stray puddle on the dirt roadway, chains with engraved thorns unsystematically swathing itself around Kakashi's body; shredding it into thin air.

Instinctively, Dawn nabbed a kunai from the satchel around her waist- her body tense and her eyes trepidatious. There was no way Kakashi submerged to his death that quickly, as he was a proficient Jounin and there was no signs of his remains on the ground, he likely used a substitution Jutsu in the nick of time. The girl suppressed a sigh, wondering why rogue Ninjas were attacking them when this mission was simply meant to be harmless?

"No! Kakashi Sensei!" Sakura screamed, tears of shock blurring her eyes.

"He's fine Sakura." Dawn said sternly, her grip tightening around her Kunai as she eyed the two unknown Ninja.

"What?!-" Naruto spluttered in disbelief. "He's not fine, he just got shredded into pieces!" His eyes were wide in fear, any traces of his prior excitement dissipated the moment he realised that there was nothing exciting about watching his Sensei 'die'.

"Two down!" One of them laugh, the two Ninjas snuck behind Naruto who swivelled around, freezing at their crouched positions ready to attack.

Gritting her teeth, Dawn didn't pay heed to the Uchiha who had the same idea as her, as she darted past Jiro and accurately threw her Kunai that sliced the air and locked the chain into the tree. Sasuke had done the same as he jumped in the air, his Kunai restricting the movement of the chain, as he landed smoothly with his feet perched on the necks of the rogues- forcing them to their knees. Dawn rolled her eyes, glancing at Naruto who was still stricken by the fear that coursed through him and Sakura who stood terrified besides the bridge-builder.

"Damn it! I'm stuck." The other growled, tugging their arm to escape but to no avail.

"Let me at 'em." Jiro swiped his tongue over his sharp teeth, saliva eagerly dripping from his mouth in thirst for blood. "I haven't devoured humans in ages."

"Alright," Dawn shrugged. Jiro grinned ready to dart forward until her next words stopped him reluctantly. "after we interrogate them of course."

Sasuke had lowered his guard, as the two Ninjas escaped from his clasps as the Uchiha landed on the ground- his right hand preventing him from toppling over. The Ninjas swerved around him in sync targeting both Naruto and the bridge builder causing Dawn's eyes to narrow. Why would they go after the bridge builder?

Naruto's mouth widened in horror as the Ninja with iron claws swiped at him. Swiftly, Dawn produced shuriken from her satchel and flicked her wrist- precisely targeting the fabric of the rogue's clothing as he was pinned to the tree- Naruto now safe. She turned over to Sakura, whose trembling hand lifted the Kunai in anticipation at the Ninja coming their way. Though she didn't expect Sasuke to step in as well, his glare wavering as the rogue increasingly came closer.

Just as she was about to step in, Kakashi appeared out of nowhere as his arm clung around the Ninja's throat cutting off his air circulation as he clashed to the ground. The Jounin smiled, even comically adding a little wave. "Hi, sorry for the fright."

"Kakashi Sensei! You're alive!" Sakura breathed out a sigh of relief.

Dawn took a step back, her back and feet straightening as she glanced at the two immobile Ninja before looking at her team. Sasuke also looked relieved, but tried brushing it off with his obnoxious, emotionless face whereas Naruto blinked as if his life flashed before his eyes.

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