𝟕𝟓| One Day

513 33 170

"I had embraced you...
long before I hugged you."
— Sanober Khan

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He sat, his back hunched, fingers clasped together and his head bowed down in deep thought.

"You're wavering, Sasuke." Orochimaru speculated, an amused look on his face.

Sasuke didn't reply.

"Need I to remind you about your resolve?" Orochimaru leaned forward, glowering heavily at the Uchiha. "You are not in the position to be allowing your emotions to dictate your actions. It's not just you that is on the line, it's your Clan, the people you supposedly care so dearly about, that girl—"

"Don't fucking bring her into this." Sasuke interjected sharply, his eyes swirling into his Sharingan as he glared at the Sannin. "Shut your mouth and keep her out of it."

"Why?" He smirked. "Does it anger you? Have you forgotten the more you feel angry the more vulnerable you are to the voice and the more likely you are to wake up with yet another sin added to your list."

Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"You'll be a fool to not take me seriously." Orochimaru warned. "You think the burning happens by random? You were chosen, every single victim was chosen and it would be very unwise if someone decided to pick a fight with one of Konoha's strongest Clans. Unless..."

"Unless what?" He grumbled.

"They want to get rid of the Uchiha." The Sannin smirked at the hardened look on his face. "You've been deliberately set up to commit crimes against the Village in order to sabotage your Clan. After all, many are already suspicious that the Uchiha have participated in this scheme as an act of retribution against Danzo and to seize the position of Hokage."

"I don't care." Sasuke shrugged, closing his eyes. "That's their problem."

Throughout his childhood, Sasuke wondered why everyone looked at him with fear in their eyes and not awe. Parents told their kids to be careful around him, because of who his Clan was and not who he was. For the most part, he was left confused, unable to understand why it was hard for him to make friends. That was until he realised he had no choice in who he was friends with.

Once upon a time he idolised his Clan for their strength and their power, he wanted to unlock his Sharingan and live up to the expectations of being the son of the Head. But now, things changed drastically, he wasn't the same person as he was before. Sasuke wasn't blindly holding onto the belief that becoming someone he didn't want to be would give him the attention he had craved. Ever since he unlocked his Sharingan, not only did he receive power, he found that the things he couldn't see before were a lot clearer now.

His father was a complete asshole who didn't care about the reputation he upheld, even among his own clan members, and proceeded to exert power through fear and arrogance. Majority of his political decisions arose controversy, his greed for power tarnishing the Uchiha name as individuals who only craved power and nothing else.

"It will be your problem when your family is put at risk. Who do you think will suffer once people discover what you have done?" Orochimaru egged on. "Sasuke, it seems you fail to understand that you are simply a pawn in a game played by masterminds. Every decision you make is anticipated by them, as they've been playing this game far longer than you could ever begin to comprehend."

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