𝟔𝟐| Anomaly

681 42 191

"I think I'll dismember the world and then I'll dance in the wreckage."
— Neil Gaiman

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My finger created ripples in the crystal blue water, the koi fish instantly swam away from the sudden disturbance.

Although, I should've felt bad for scaring them away; the coldness and the water itself helped to calm me down, especially when it happened to be one of those rare times where Jiro wasn't available to knock sense into me and stop me from overthinking. He had been asked to help with the reparations and heavy-lifting. A wolf of his stature and strength provided use in making the reconstruction of the many buildings that had faced damage from the snake attack, quicker. It had made me happy knowing that he willingly agreed to help others.

Konoha Crush.

That was what they'd named the assault on the Leaf. Shortly after I'd decided to counteract Sasuke's Chidori with my abilities, a foolish decision that had landed me with second degree burns and sessions applying a soothing ointment, the entire stands were subjected to a Genjutsu that had made them fall unconscious. Fortunately for me, Sasuke had swept in and prevented me from being of those that had suffered, considering Genjutsu were one of my major weaknesses, but his strength.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't fall into a state of panic, though my reasoning revolved more around the fact that I had an impeding fear of the past repeating itself. I was terrified that I'd have to watch another Village perish to an onslaught. That my dreams would've mirrored reality— that those screams and the blood puddling the grounds and the skies of amber and the clouds of smoke and burning trees and rotten corpses, wouldn't merely be a fear of mine anymore. It was irrational of me to had panicked so foolishly like that, but the pure terror I'd felt striking me in the core overwhelmed my senses and my ability to think logically.

But like I said, Sasuke was there.

"Why aren't you moving?"

I heard him perfectly fine, but I was appalled by the sally of Suna and Oto forces flooding in altogether from every possible direction; armed with weaponry and the intent to fight anyone they land their eyes on first.

It wasn't like I hadn't fought enemies before, it was necessary if it meant having to survive outside of an unstable home for a whole year. Enemies lurked around the corner and breathed down your neck, ready to attack at any given moment. Albeit, my fear originated from the fact that it wasn't a petty ambush, it was a large-scale attack, planned and orchestrated with the intent to overpower the Leaf and take over.

Besieging the Leaf meant conquering it, and by conquering Land you must take down it's leader.

That was what happened to my Village. My mother had perished first, and then my father, and then my siblings— and then my entire Village all in one, ultimate cleanse. The fear of losing my Village again blinded me from moving, I couldn't move-

"Remember those times when you told me to keep my shit together whenever I'd panic in the heat of battle?" Sasuke placed his hands on my shoulder, forcing me to look at him. "Well, this is me trying to do the same. It's okay to panic and feel scared, that's what you said to me multiple times and I understand that, so take your own advice and let's go. You can panic later all you want."

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