𝟏𝟎| Deal

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"Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone."
– Pablo Picasso

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"I'll be right back."

When I first arrived at the Hidden Leaf Village, for three long years I never spoke a single word. A part of me thought that pretending I didn't exist acted as a sort of defence mechanism that prevented the memories from resurfacing. Though I knew all along it was because of the night terrors I'd get seeing the putrefied bodies of the people I've once loved. The shock was too much for my seven-year old mind to handle, that I sheltered myself from the world and succumbed to a silence so that it'd ease the pain I felt.

Five years later and nothing has changed much, other than the fact that I was admitted to the Academy and therefor had to speak in order to manoeuvre myself around mulish obstacles.

It made me realise that avoiding my thoughts and emotions wasn't the same as feeling nothing at all. That the deriding voice at the back of my head will never go away and let me live like Jiro had always wanted me to. Yet it also enabled me to feel all sorts of things, a reproachful yearn that scolds me for not accepting Ms Izanagi's invitations to eat dinner with her, or for avoiding my teammates any time they wanted to hang out, or for the constant lies and fabricated promises I'd make. It was easy to act upon what I wanted but not what I needed.

So why was it that my feet kept moving towards a certain Uchiha who had done nothing but make me want to punch him out of frustration? It's not like I'm the nicest company to have around, in fact I'd say I'm equivalent to that of an emotionally unstable brick wall with limbs- but it wasn't like he was making anything easier for me as well.

"Please watch over my little brother for me." He smiled sheepishly. "You see, Sasuke and I don't really have a good relationship at the moment but the least I can do is ensure that he's safe and happy."

Itachi's eyes were filled with warmth when he spoke about his younger brother, it made me feel like more of the selfish person I was if I had declined his offer. Selfish because Itachi had reminded me of my own older brother, look-wise differed entirely, but the personality was all the same. They both held kindness in their eyes and smile, both wanting best for their siblings. If I helped Itachi, it was like I was returning the favour to my own brother as I could no longer do so and not because I truly cared about his feelings.

That's right... I'm a selfish person who only cares about what I want.

The Uchiha had his knees buckled and his forehead against the ground, harsh pants left his mouth as he collapsed to the side not seeming to notice my presence due to his exhaustion. I could sense his chakra depleting from where I was training and as well as the loud thud of the trees crumbling to the ground after being hit by a fire styled Jutsu. As much as I hate to admit it, he was particularly talented in Ninjutsu- something that I found difficult in inaugurating so I relied mostly on my muscle and speed.

"You planning on working yourself to death?" I retort, leaning against the tree trunk with my arms crossed.

He didn't recoil at the fact that I had snuck up on him, instead he sent me a side-eyed glance and a irritated grunt. The sudden exposure of his face in the moonlight made the cuts and bruises more visible on his pale, exposed torso, making me slightly uncomfortable that he was half-naked and moments away from falling unconscious on the ground. Great start in making sure he was okay, because clearly, he wasn't. He seemed to be roughed up, nor did he look like he cared that he was sore despite the fact that they had a day's worth of missions tomorrow.

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