1| Academy

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"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
– Marilyn Monroe

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No one knew much about her, excluding the obvious such as the fact that her hair was blonde, her eyes an eccentric blue and that she hated everyone around her. Luckily for Dawn, there was nothing normal about her.

At the age of eight she arrived at the gates of Konoha, unconscious and bruised with a scar on her neck as a reminder of what happened. Though, she concealed that part of herself with her hair and pretended the ragged indent on her flawed skin didn't create great anxiety one bit. If she didn't acknowledge her fears, they didn't exist. If she ran away, at least she'll have more time to hide.

During mid August, she was summoned by the Hokage who offered her a place at the Academy until she came of age to graduate with the rest of her classmates. Classmates that she had grown to ignore due to numerous reasons:

Firstly, they seemed to have a tendency to muster trouble out of thin air. Someone particularly talented in this aspect was Naruto Uzumaki, the son of the forth Hokage Minato Namikaze. Despite being the son of the current leader of the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto found a way to create trouble which often ended up reviewing old Jutsu again or having to stay back to finish a lesson off. He was loud, boisterous, the lowest achieving in the class and most importantly had a resolve that steered the course of his actions which often collided in par with his rival; Sasuke Uchiha, which trailed off to her second point.

The spiky haired Uchiha effortlessly had girls falling to their knees and worship the ground he walked on considering his Clan lineage summoned a ray of prestige and authority amongst the Village; where the Uchiha often patrolled the streets and made up Konoha's police force. Sasuke utilised his popularity as a means of enlarging his ego and didn't really care if he hurt the feelings of others. His reserved persona led to a barrage of insights from different people; some find his mysteriousness attractive, others perceive him as cocky whilst people like her tended to stay clear of associating themselves with someone who clearly doesn't want anything to do with them.

Those two were enough to summon attention to their Academic year group and all Dawn wanted to do was blend into the background and act as though she wasn't there, only then she'll become strong enough to head on a long journey and end her bitter vengeance.

"I'm at the end of my rope Naruto!" Iruka Umino, her teacher, shouted with disappointment etched in the furrows of his eyebrows. "You failed the graduation exam time and time again- and tomorrow is the next exam and you're already messing up! What would your father say about your insufferable behaviour!"

The blond boy with whiskers on his puffed cheeks stood crestfallen, his expression rapidly morphing into one filled with scorn as he muttered. "As if he'd care..."

Ignoring his comment, Iruka continued his rant. "Fine, because of your stubbornness everyone in this class with review the transformation Jutsu again."

A collection of groans filled the classroom as Dawn glanced curiously at the silent Uzumaki, for once finding his quietness concerning. Many times Iruka would shout at him and he'd talk back as though he was conversing with an angry brick wall, she had never seen such an expression on his face yet when she caught his eyes- she quickly adverted them and lined up with the rest of class, her tiny frame tucked behind Hinata Hyuga; a girl who she occasionally talked to about class work, but never made an effort to befriend.

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