𝟏𝟒| Run

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"You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."
– Maya Angelou

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"Ninja art: hidden mist Jutsu."

The area, already coruscating with fog, fumed with an air-restricting mist that prevented her from seeing everyone. Dawn knew she had to rely on her decent sensory skills, having already pinpointed everyone's Chakra that hadn't moved. Her teammates were frozen, likely from fear. If it weren't for the adrenaline of having to fight once again, she'd be in the same position. She was worried, not only herself, but for Jiro. Dawn knew that the reckless wolf would only act upon the instinct to protect her and not himself which was one thing she could say she hated about him. He was just as stubborn as she was when it came to the safety of each other.

"He'll come after me." Kakashi mentioned with great sangfroid. "Before his sudden disappearance, Zabuza was known for his silent killing technique. A death so precise and quick that you would be dead before you could even figure out what happened. Even with my Sharingan, you guys must be on guard and careful." Dawn felt his Chakra fluctuate in the air, becoming increasingly stronger and noticeable.

"The mist is getting thicker." Sakura whispered fearfully.

"It's getting harder to see!" Naruto whined, undoubtedly alarmed by the sudden change in course of the situation.

"8 points." The deep voice slithered past the apertures of the mist. "Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart. So many to chose from, yet so little time."

It's clear he's trying to frighten us. She observed, her jaw clenching in anticipation. Her eyes tried easing through the areas in the mist that seemed less dense and etched out the faces of her teammates, her eyes landing one person. One that was usually formulated with a scowl was thriving in the fear that oscillated in the tendrils of his eyes, wide and terrified, she could make out the way his body trembled. For some reason, it made her lose composure seeing him like this. She'd seen him angry, she'd seen him smug, but she'd never seen him so enraptured by his fear.

"Who's the scaredy cat now?" She taunted haughtily, knowing that his anger could always distract him from his fear.

Even in the thickness of the mist she could see the way his eyes twitched and snapped towards her, causing her to smirk. "I'm not scared."

"Sure." She dragged out unconvinced. She craned her head, her eyes latching onto any sudden movement. "Because you're totally not trembling in fear."

He let a scoff slip past his lips. "Well you look like you're gonna shit yourself."

Her eyes narrowed. Was he being serious? "I so do not."

"Sasuke..." Kakashi spoke out, causing the two to snap their heads towards the sound of his voice. "There's no need to worry, I will protect you guys even if it costs me my life. Because I don't let my comrades die." A few seconds later, she felt the mist subside as Kakashi dispersed a wave of Chakra that repelled the mist in the area.

Comrades? The foreign word orbited in her mind. There it was again. The implication that he cared. Why did he care? She didn't know. But what she did know was that she couldn't believe just anything she heard.

"Well, we'll see about that!"

Zabuza suddenly appeared behind Tazuna, his large sword angled as he swiped diligently with a killing strike. But Kakashi had anticipated his movements and pivoted on his feet, stopping the brief attack with the edge of his Kunai, his hand trembling at the weight of the sword against his weapon. Zabuza had dispersed into water causing Kakashi to stumble forward as the Mist Ninja reappeared behind the silver-haired Jounin and struck again, his sword making a clean swipe past his torso. Much to Dawn's surprise, Kakashi had also disseminated into a water clone, the same Jutsu Zabuza had used causing his eyes to widen.

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