𝟒𝟐| Trapped

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"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
— Friedrich Nietzsche

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"Please be okay." Sakura muttered a prayer under her breath, staring at her three, unconscious teammates with sorrow in her green eyes.

Daybreak was nearing and she hadn't slept a wink, she didn't allow herself to knowing that she had to prioritise the safety and health of her teammates. One who was knocked out cold, one who was withering in pain and the other dead as the night. Dawn wasn't moving nor did she look like she was in pain, she was just there and the only way Sakura knew that she was alive was from the way her chest moved up and down slightly. There was also another issue that she was scared to address and that was Jiro not returning for quite some time, the pink-haired girl was worrying about if he landed himself into trouble not just for his sake, but for her blonde teammate's as well. The duo were like two peas in a pod, attached at the hip and had an unbreakable bond.

Sakura contemplated on whether she should wake Dawn up or not. She needed the rest in order for her wounds to heal faster, knowing that she had the ability to heal quickly from analysing the battle in the Land of Waves, she wasn't aware on just how far those healing abilities came in handy though she hoped it'd ease the pain in her legs. A part of her was unaware as to why she felt so protective over Dawn when in the Academy she'd never spared her a thought. Was it because she proved all the assumptions that she had of her wrong? Was it because she couldn't help but feel amazed by the way she held herself in situations and not once allow her pain to prevent her from achieving her goal? Or was it because she was the first person to ever tell the pink-haired girl that she believed in her?

A mystery she was, and the more Sakura learned the more she desired to unravel her secrets. It scared her knowing that Dawn was accustomed to pain- why was she accustomed to pain? Why was she so determined to do anything to protect them? Or more specifically, who had wronged her so badly as to strike a desire within Dawn to kill? Who did she want to kill and why? Sakura didn't know much about revenge, but she did know the saying 'if you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.' It was something her parents told her as apart of the Shinobi life came in the form of vengeance and retribution. Neither sounded like it was an easy path to take as it had many routes to conquer.

Taking a deep breath, she crawled over to Sasuke and Dawn, replacing the rags they had on their forehead. Sasuke's fever had gone down fortunately, but her concern didn't cease as the ominous, black mark on his neck made her insides churn. Sakura felt darkness, darkness that didn't exist before and it scared her. As for Dawn, her condition only grew more intense and Sakura hadn't any clue on what to do. She used up all her medical equipment and pharmaceuticals earlier on and she wasn't education in the medical field whatsoever.

"Why am I so useless?" Sakura groaned into her hands, pushing the urge to cry away. Crying would only make her even more useless, right now she had to be strong. "Okay, so, think Sakura. You planted traps, you replaced the rags, you refilled the flasks and you look like a sleep-deprived troll. Sounds about right."

"Maybe I should invest my time in the medical range." She proposed to herself. "I mean, it sounds interesting, my chakra control isn't that bad and it sure as hell would make me less useless."

Great, now I'm talking to myself.

A small sigh escaped from her mouth, her thoughts wandering off elsewhere. The Grass Genin that wasn't actually a Grass Genin but a slimy, snake guy named Orimachu- or whatever the hell his name was- attacked her team, clearly with a different agenda that diverged from the original purpose of the exam, they were scroll-less and vulnerable, they had four days left to find two scrolls so hopefully Jiro would miraculously return with another scroll and not slobbers of meat hanging from his jaw. Sakura shuddered at the thought. Then, her teammate would hopefully be better as they searched for another scroll and successfully make it to the tower in the centre. After that, she hoped that at least Dawn would consider quitting and then taken to the hospital so her leg could properly heal.

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