𝟔𝟑| Defeated

633 36 141

"Their heart grew cold,
they let their wings down."
— Sappho

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Wounds healed.

Scars littered her skin, each laceration telling a story. Some would be minor, while others were attained through excessive training or a battle scar.

Her hands were rough and calloused, which was inevitable as being a Shinobi required the risk of losing the softness and purity of skin, acquiring tarnished fingertips dipped in blood and eyes witnessing many things. Rin never really cared about scars, she had seen many scars and bore them as well, being a trainee medic under the tutelage of Lady Tsunade meant that getting her hands dirty was also an ineluctable requirement needed to perform surgery. There was a beauty within being able to piece together what has been broken apart, but at times she found that a wound can never heal the same way it has been made.

Although she could heal wounds and restore health, she could never restore the wounds that were always hard to reach. Like the wounds on the heart, it may not be physical but it could easily tear someone apart, creating more harm than any blade.

Rin had many regrets. She regretted not being able to save people all the time. She regretted leaving the Leaf to pursue a personal goal, abandoning the people she loved and cared about. She regretted not being able to gather the courage to be able to face her teammate without being overwhelmed by guilt. Her time travelling was short-lived, at any given moment her feet would sweep by the broad, towering gates of the Leaf; where her home resided. The trip she was making now, in under no circumstance, could fail. Failure meant that the past couple of years were in vain. Failure meant that the role she was given would be futile.

I could sense numerous Chakra signatures below. I am certain you are at the right place.

"You think?" Rin cocked her head to the side in uncertainty, before pressing the flask to her lips. "It sure is hot around here."

Sand storms and severe heat waves were prevalent in the heart of Sunagakure. As a child, the thought of even a slither of sweat gliding down her forehead would've made her shudder at the thought of any break-outs occurring. However, she was now drenched in a puddle of her own sweat, her Leaf headband hanging loosely around her neck, her damp brunette hair messily tied away from her face and her jacket hanging around her waist.

Travelling taught her many things and one of those things was to deal with it. Her momentary distraught was incomparable to the suffering the refugees endured due to the brewing storm in the North, or the poor people who were unable to locate any water and were on the brink of death due to thirst and starvation.

"It's almost noon, I heard the sand storms are dangerous near dark so I have a couple of hours to spare before I regroup with Lady Tsunade, Shizune and Tonton. I have to be back an hour early to clean up so she doesn't get suspicious of my whereabouts, but knowing her she'd be too drunk to notice." She mumbled to herself, rummaging through her bag. "In the event I get wounded, the healing procedure shouldn't take too long and I'm only here to look around."

Also, don't engage with any suspicious figures.

Rin nodded in agreement. "That's right as well. You know... I'm kind of nervous, but it's fine. I can handle myself, I'm a big girl."

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