𝟏𝟑| Mist Ninja

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"Life is trying things to see if they work."
– Ray Bradbury

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"Wow!" Naruto gaped like a fool. "It's huge."

I sent him an annoyed glance, knowing that the only reason we were sailing on a rowing boat in thick mist was to disguise our presence from Gato. Clearly, the blond hadn't understand the gist as he was mesmerised by the giant bridge in front us which I have to admit looked to be built very impressively. It was clear as to why Gato wanted the construction of the bridge to be nullified, with a bridge like this anyone would be able to pass through freely. Which was all the more reason to have it completed as soon as possible.

"Lower the volume, kid." The oarsman snapped. "Why do you think we're travelling in the mist and not using the engine? If Gato finds us, we're done for."

"Bold of you to assume a guy like that can get rid of me easily, you pesky human." Jiro rumbled lowly, his head ducked until it was threateningly in front of the oarsman who gulped. It was quite amusing to see Jiro's large frame squashed up on a tiny boat like this.

Ignoring the lack of personal space, I peered my head over the edge and allowed the tip of my fingers to sway a miniature whirlpool. I truly loved the water, if the circumstances were different I would've spent my time swimming and enjoying as much as I could. The feeling was soothing. It metaphorically washed away my thoughts, for once leaving me with an empty mind. The coolness engulfing your limbs was euphoric, I guess I could say I had always felt a connection with the element.

Although, if someone were to ask me why I liked the ocean, I wouldn't be able to put it into words. Perhaps it was because I'm not one for words, or because I'd always felt like I was sinking. I remember I'd always swim in the springs of my homeland that had lily pads floating on the stream and the sweet aroma of-

No, there's no point reminiscing about something that doesn't exist anymore.

I snatched my hand from the water like it was poison, a frown pulling my lips downwards. I had always admired the simplicity of things, but that was the old me. Time was eating away fast and I had to get stronger, this acted as a distraction from my main cause. As well as the people on my team who, for some reason, annoyed me till the end. Or more like, it annoyed me how zestful and buoyant Naruto, Kakashi, Ms Izanagi, Sakura and even Hitomi, who I had only met the other day, were.

"Was there something in the water?" Sakura inquired.

My head snapped towards her, surprised she even spoke to me. We don't really talk much, or I don't really talk to anyone much. "What?"

Sakura shrugged nonchalantly. "You were playing with the water, but then suddenly moved your hand like something bit you."

"Oh." I looked back at the water, finding the yearn to put my hand back in painful.

"Do you like the water?" She pressed. I gave her a strange look, it wasn't like her to be so interested in me.

"I suppose." I answered vaguely. The less anyone knew, the better. Soon enough they'll realise that I'm exactly as Sasuke said: unreliable. Heck, I don't even trust myself.

"Well, I'm not much of a water gal." She giggled sheepishly. "But I heard that the coasts are really beautiful. Apparently the sand is almost white because of the reflection of the sun. I would love to see it one day."

"Really?" Naruto joined in, intrigued by the topic. "That does sound pretty amazing to me."

"It is." I mumbled quietly. "I've seen it. It's-" even more amazing in the moonlight. Why was I even telling her this? It's not like it's any of her business. So why was it that I wanted to tell her more?

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