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"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
– Helen Keller

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Sitting idly in her seat waiting for Iruka to arrive, her legs bounced in anticipation. She had spent the night celebrating her graduation by camping with Jiro. Instead of training like she'd usually do, she went fishing for last night's dinner and had a great time with her giant wolf who seemed more than compliant in listening to her late night rambles. Dawn truly loved telling Jiro about every nook and cranny of her day, not leaving any detail out and he, being the listener he was, digested the information and left a couple of snide comments here and there. Even though she knew he wouldn't admit it, he loved listening to her stories about how miserable her school-life was. 


She recoiled at the word like it was a venomous snake. Being friendly was one thing, but constantly being surrounded by people who would join you on missions was another. They were the people you'd be stuck with all your Genin life and Dawn knew that the Chunin exams weren't going to be lenient on anyone. She could barely maintain a five minute conversation let alone hold a friendship with two people sitting in her classroom.

"Naruto, move! You're in my way!" Sakura gritted, shoving Naruto out of the way like her life depended on it.

It wasn't much of a surprise when Dawn walked in and saw Naruto in his seat with his signature grin and a headband plastered on his forehead. One way or another, he somehow had this weird ability of using unorthodox methods to wedge his way through the thin gap of an obstacle and successfully get away with it. As she felt a little guilty about rejecting his offer beforehand, Dawn greeted him with a stiff smile. As she sat down, she could feel Sasuke glaring at her.

Doesn't he have anything better to do. Dawn rolled her eyes.

It was true when they say that an Uchiha's wrath could shrivel someone into a pile of bones- as exaggerated as it sounded- Dawn was beginning to think that she should've just left the moment she had seen him. But it wasn't like she had done anything wrong other than stand up for herself and threaten to snap his hands if he tried pulling any tricks on her again. On a second thought... he did deserve being put into his place. Even Jiro agreed that she should've done more than just pinning him to the tree, like allowing him to eat Sasuke.

"You want something?" Sasuke questioned haughtily. He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance, staring at the only blond knucklehead in an orange jumpsuit in the room.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto shouted loudly as he wasn't aware of what 'indoor voices' were. "Who are you talking to?"

"Good morning, Sasuke!" Sakura chirped. Naruto blinked and Sasuke ignored her presence by staring out the window, with his chin resting on his knuckles. "Don't mind me, I'm just going to take this seat next to you."

A flock of fan girls erupted into a loud commotion, commenting things like 'who does she think she is?' Or 'how dare she!'.

Dawn's snorted, wondering whether she should feel pity or observe with a shit-eating smirk on her face. Along with popularity dragged in admirers or more specifically; self-proclaimed fan girls who contended that Sasuke was undeserving of anyone but them. Perhaps the reason he was so moody all the time was because he found it hard to attain privacy with a bunch of determined girls on his back who had his entire biography memorised.

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