𝟕| Frail

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"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
– Theodore Roosevelt

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"Sasuke. Point B."

"Sakura, at point C."

"Naruto... oh, I'm at A."

"Naruto." Kakashi said scoldingly. "Try being a little quicker next time. Dawn?"

The cat was within my grasp, its figure curled in my embrace. I grew stiff, it appeared to be comfortable with me, as if it instinctively knew that I could be trusted. That I wasn't danger itself. And yet, it naively purred and nuzzled my bare arm with its black nose, seeking shelter from whatever it was that it was running from.

"Target captured." I stated.

"Does it have a red ribbon on its right ear?" Kakashi inquired.

Glancing at the acquired characteristics of Tora the cat, as stated by the missing plier, I rolled my eyes. "Clearly."

Kakashi smiled. "Less sarcasm would be appreciated and well done. It seems the cat likes you. Though next time, try to act as a team."

I bobbed my head absentmindedly. "Noted."

Naruto, the blonde knuckle-headed Uzumaki bent down to the cat's level and squinted at it. Tora reacted by swiping its claws at him. "Why does it like you and not me?!" He exclaimed accusingly.

"I'm a natural." I murmured, before dumping the cat into Sakura's arms. "Kakashi Sensei, can I leave early? I got a few errands to run."

Kakashi furrowed his eyebrows, but nodded anyway. "Sure, but Kei did invite us all for lunch. You sure you can't come?"

There it was again. That sinking feeling in my gut, like my insides were being vacuumed and all of a sudden— moving my limbs felt like a chore. I was sure the amount of times I declined creating bonds would ease the numbness I felt inside, the insensible feeling that concealed my true desires. At times I felt like I was overreacting, a simple dinner with people- where was the wrong in that? Well, everything was wrong with it.

I couldn't commend myself if I were to actually enjoy the company of others. It hurt me more than it hurt them. If it hurt them.

"Sorry." I forced myself to smile, though I couldn't recall the last time I smiled sincerely. Which made me feel all the more guilty. "It's important."

"Of course it is." Sasuke scoffed. I immediately glowered at the arrogant bastard who insisted on inputting his unwanted opinion into every conversation I have. "She thinks too highly of herself to hang out with us. But it wouldn't make much of a difference if she was there or not. She's barely noticeable."

But it wouldn't make much of a difference if she was there or not. Strangely enough, I felt eased by those words. That at least my distant behaviour had made somewhat of an effect.

"Sasuke." Kakashi thrummed warningly. Sasuke scoffed under his breath, not before sending me an underlying glare that I ignored. "And if you're busy then that's fine. You can go. It would be nice if you could join us next time."

It's not too late to take back your words.

I inwardly flinched. Even if I did, no good would come out of it.

"Yeah..." what could I say to that when I'd end up making pitiful excuses each time? "Bye." I rushed out, before I spun on my heels and walked away.

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