Embarrassing tales

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"Now tell me something embarrassing about yourself."

"No" he said very stern and straight forward.

"Common, please."


"Please Freddy"


"Pretty please, with all the all the most delicious brownies in top."
I knew he could not be able to resist anything with brownies.

He groaned. "Why would I tell you something embarrassing about myself?"

"Because I told two of my fears and you didn't say anything, so at least you can just say one embarrassing thing about yourself."

He seemed to be in deep thought about it so to make him give in I said I would give him some of the left over brownies in the fridge and that's when he hurriedly stood up and turned his face towards me.

"FINE, I'll tell you but," he made a pound on the table with his fist,"you have to promise that this doesn't live this room."he stated with one hundred percent serious look in his eyes.

I was now scared of what I had gotten myself into, what if I blurt his embarrassing secret to someone by mistake then does that mean that would be the end of me?!

"I...I promise." I slowly and nervously said.

"Good." he said and then he sat down. He passed his fingers through his wavy hair which I noticed was a thing he did when he was nervous and then turned his face to the side so he wouldn't look at me.

I had never seen his face look so serious and insecure at the same time. "I greatly fear that I will get chicken pox because I've never had chicken pox before."he said quietly and quickly.

Wait, what?!

Was this really the big embarrassing secret or was this a joke?

"For real?!" I intrigued.

"Ofcourse I'm not lying Amelia."he said with a frown.

I had never seen him look so ashamed before.

Oh no, I could feel laughter about to erupt from my mouth but I held it in.

"But why do you look so - you know-insecure about it?"

This time he turned to face me,"Because I'm The Frederico Collins. The guy! I'm not supposed to feel ashamed about anything. If I do get it which I pray i won't what will happen to my handsome face , not only that but will happen to my-"

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I laughed.

Why would chicken pox make Freddy act so different to his normal teasy and cocky self?

"Are you seriously laughing at me Amelia?"he asked as he stared straight into my eyes with a look of pure shock on his features.

"No, not all."I said as my laughter died down."It's just amusing how chicken pox can change your whole self within seconds. What makes you think that you'll get it?"

"The freaking doctor lady in my dream I had about a month ago. She told me that i would get it soon and kept on pointing to my face saying, 'Pox!' 'Pox!' 'Pox!'.
It was a nightmare Amelia, a horrible nightmare!"

I saw how this was this was stressing him out.

"Okay Freddy calm down. It's just a dream. You have a choice to believe it not."

"Well I obviously don't want to believe it but the thought keeps on following me around."

"You know it's not compulsory for someone to get it in their lifetime."

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