The Moving Idea

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Amelia's Pov

I was in my room doing my homework when I suddenly heard a banging noise from the door downstairs.

I Instantly looked up from books as a shiver of fright went through my body.




The noise came again. This time I jumped off my bed in fear.

Was it a thief? Were they going to break in? Did they have tools like guns?

Or maybe...

... It was my mom, dad or Johnny running away from someone. At this point I was panicking.




I needed to do something quick, either to find a way to get out of this house, or run downstairs to open the door if it was my family, or call the police.

Then I heard someone screaming my name. I ran to my bedroom window so I could see who it was. I looked down to see Belle standing by my door and banging it continuously.

Ohh no! I hoped she was okay.

I immediately got out of my room and raced down the stairs, my panting for breathe grew with every step I took.

I ran to the door and opened it. "Belle, are you okay?" I shouted, my heart was beating of my chest. I looked behind her to see if anyone was following her.

She came in and put her hands on her knees has she was breathing out and in continously.

"Belle, tell me what's going on?." I persisted.

"Is Freddy here?" she asked as she straightened herself and walked to the lounge with her hand on her waist as she scanned the place.



"Huh!" I breathed out.

She turned to face me that was still standing by the door giving her a perplexed look. "Is Freddy here? Am I late for the Frendzation meeting?"


"Oh my goodness Belle. Is that why you are breathing like that and is that why you were knocking my door and screaming my name like that? All because of Freddy and the meeting!! " I said with anger.

"I'm breathing like thus because I had to run from my house to yours since my car was refusing to start and I only shouted and banged the door like that so you could hear me if you were upstairs." She said with a look of shame, I think she realized what she had done.

"Do you know how much you scared me?"

"Im so sorry Lia, I had no idea that I caused so much panic on you."she said with a sorry look on her face.

I sighed and rubbed my temple, I think she nearly gave me a heart attack.But Belle was just hype about this whole thing, so I could not really be mad at her" It's okay, just try being calmer next time."

"I promise I will." she said before asking, "Soooo, is he here?"

"Nope, he hasn't arrived yet." I answered.

"That's odd," she said looking at the clock, "he was supposed to be here 4:30 and it's 4:43"she said with a foul look on her face.

"Maybe his football practice was prolonged." I said before continuing in a low voice, " I just hope it's not because he thinks I ran away from him."

"Nahhh, I don't think he would not show up because of that. Let's just be patient."


Fred's Pov

"You want us to move?" I asked her with a surprised look on my face.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it. I spoke to a good friend of mine who's a lawyer and advisor and she's willing to help me file a case."

I just looked at her. When I did not say anything she continued, "Look Freddy, no pressure. I'm not going to file a complaint if you do jot agree to this. The thing is I'm just scared about what he may do to us. I don't want him to take you away from me. Maybe the next time he comes he might take this whole house, and all our property with him if he doesn't get you."she said has a tear rolled down her cheek.

" Is that why you have been working this hard and coming home late? " I asked silently.

" Yes." she answered."So that even if we loose the court case on sharing property, the money I've earned can sustain us."

I understood why she wanted us to move. The fear of what my father could do next was growing each and everyday. My mom needed to be happy again, and moving away from here to where my father would not know about would be a huge role in her regaining joy.

But there was also football practice, I've worked my butt of to get to where I am now.The sport officials of America have already started contacting me and even talked about giving m a scholarship. And If the green claws win this season's football game then it is definite that I'll be getting that scholarship. So I could not quit now.

"What about football mom?" I asked with a concerned look on my face.

"I know the football team is very to you thats why I'm not rushing you into making any decisions. Like I said earlier before, I was just thinking about moving not that I'm making any hasty or final decisions now." she assured me.

"And if we think about it, your father hasn't come to this house for almost a week now, so I guess thats an advantage for us." she continued saying. "Just contunue to think about it and I'll continue thinking about it."

"Yeah, I will."i said with a small smile.

There was silence after I said that.

" Soooo," my mom said after a while, changing subjects." You didn't tell me how you got back into the football team. "She said inquisitively.

" It's because of some Frendzation program... Oh Sh*t! " I said as I hurriedly stood up in realization, I looked at my wrist watch, it was 05:07 pm.

Dammit,I forgot about this whole meeting for the program today.

" Language. "my mom warned me as I walked to the stairs.

"Oh, sorry. I've got to go and change and then I have to head somewhere."I said as I trotted up the stairs.

" Wait Freddy, what's a Frendzation program? " my mom shouted from downstairs, by this time I was already upstairs.

"I'll tell you when I get back." I shouted back and quickly changed into some casual clothes, a black v-neck t-shirt and a pair of slim dark blue jeans.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my car keys from where I left it on the stool by the front door.

"See you later mom. I'll be back home in about an hour." I said as I hurriedly walked through the front door and to my car. I could tell that my mom was confused about the whole thing.

I got in my car and drove off to Ame.. Amal... Amehila's house.


Wow, Amehila!
Freddy realllyyyyy needs to learn how to say her name.

What do u think of the idea of Freddy and his mom moving?

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