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Amelia's pov

It was now Monday, two days after the party, that dreadful party. The past two days all I had been thinking was how stupid i was for not even thinking Kylie would be there. How did I not know that?!?! All along I had been so careful not to catch her trouble and particularly careful not to be seen with Freddy, but all my efforts went downhill in the party.

I was'nt observant enough, I wasn't attentive enough, I was just there trying to have a good time with Freddy, a person that was out of my league.

What was I even doing??

What was i doing hanging out with a guy like him? Had I forgeten my social status? Had I forgeten how people saw me?!

A nerd, a weirdo, an embarrassment.

Not only was I crossing boundaries by hanging out with a guy like him, but I was also embarrassing him by just simply being around him.

In-fact why was I even hanging out with him when Kylie had made it clear she liked him. Of-course I couldn't be a threat to her, I mean there's no-way Freddy could ever have feelings for me, but at least I could have respected Kylie's feelings and stayed away.

And then again, I ran from him at the party, no doubt he was angry about that.

I was just making everyone angry wasn't I ??

Why did I even allow Freddy and I to become friends in the first place? This all just started as a frendzation program that I hadn't even been interested in the first place. But now him and I were friends.

And why is it that when we became friends I was happy, I mean his presence and humour and everything about him, made me just glad to have a friend like him I'm my life.

But it was just all wrong...

I mean Kylie is against this friendship, his friend Dan, seems not to like me, and I can't be seen in public with him, on top of that I always hurt his feelings by running away from him when I become aware of my surroundings.

No friendship should have this kind of burden.

I was supposed to make it clear that we were only frendzation partners and that's all we could be.

I knew what I had to do now, and that was to end this friendship.


The confidence I had to go to school today shook me, even though I wasn't at all ready to face Kylie, wherever she was around the school, I went against my fear and went to school. I had a test anyways so it's not like I really had a choice.

School went by pretty fast... actually too fast, but I was grateful. I hadn't bumped into either Kylie, her friends or Freddy so I was very grateful.

All I had to do was just walk out of the school and start towards my house. But I had to use the ladies room, so decided to take a quick stop there before going home. After I was done, I walked over to the sink and washed my hands, fixed my hair as I looked in the mirror.

"Seems these past few days have been cursed, I've been seeing the same geek one too many times." I heard a voice say from a distance.

I was very confused, and then I turned to see Kylie and her friends standing by the corner of the ladies room.

Ohhh no, have they been here the whole time?! I didn't notice them when I walked out of the toilet.

I quickly turned to the door and started walking towards it, I just had to get out of here now. I didn't want any trouble.

But then I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Don't go yet darling, we're not yet done talking to you." Kylie, whi was now standing infront of me said.

"Please ...I...I just want to go home." I stuttered.

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