Johnny The Blurt

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As soon as he closed the door Belle turned to me and squealed. "You guys actually had a real conversation."

"Yeah" I said simply as I made my way to the kitchen to grab a snack to eat. Belle followed behind.

"I knew this was going somewhere. I mean he actually wants to see you dance." she said in disbelief.

"The only reason he wants to see me dance is so that he can make fun of me."I said as I took some cookies from fridge and put them on a plate.

"Maybe he can help you with dancing."she said as she took a cookie from the plate.

I just looked at her."Fredirico? Help a person like me? I doubt."

"Yeah, I wanted to ask why do you always call him Fredirico instead of Freddy? Fredirico sounds too informal" she asked curiously as she took another cookie.

"I don't know, I guess maybe because I feel that to call someone by their nickname you have to really know them or be friends with them first." I said as I put a cookie in my mouth.

"But you told him to call you Lia instead of Amelia." she pointed out.

"That's because he does not know how to pronounce my name."

"If I remember accurately, he said your name correctly when he advised you on joining the dance class."she said. She was right about that. But I'm sure that he's going to forget my name very soon, he probably already forgot it.

I then remembered the talk he gave me on joining the dance class. After some seconds of silence but sounds of the munching of cookies from Belle I said," He said that I can join the dance class whether I am or not good at dancing."

"I know what he said, I heard the whole conversation and by the way, your excuse for running away from him was lame."she said with a chuckle, I just rolled my eyes at her."The advice that Freddy gave you was honestly a really good one and I realized that its not fair that you can't be part of it because you don't know how to dance or because of an obstacle like Kylie." she sighed "I didn't tell you this earlier but Kylie has already started with the dance class. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you feeling bad but now I know that, if that's you like and want to learn how to do then you should join it."

"I really don't know about that. I'm sure Kylie wouldnt like the idea of me joining even though she said I passed the auditions." I said in a low voice.

"Wait a minute! Kylie actually said that you passed the auditions?" she said in surprise.

"Yeah she did, but I don't think she actually meant it. She probably meant it as a joke and thought I would never even think of coming to the dance class because of humiliation."

"Who cares if she didn't mean it!? The main thing is that she said you passed the auditions, and that means you have all right to be a part of the dance class." she said.

"It doesn't really matter Belle. Dancing is just a thing, it's not that big of a deal. Let's just leave it alone, I don't need to join it " I did not mean anything I said, but I was trying to convince Belle to just let the whole dance thing go because like I've said before, I don't want anything to do with Kylie.

"You're not tricking me Lia. Just simply enter the dance room tomorrow, if she bothers you with questions just tell her that she said with her own mouth that you passed the auditions. I can tag along if you like." she said.

Why did I even bring this dance issue up again? I need to talk her out of this, I was definitely not ready to face Kylie in anyway.

"But --" I started but she cut me off.

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