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Amelia's Pov

It's been a whole week, a whole week since I've been to school.

Never in my life did I think I would miss school for anything except it was urgent. But after all the bullying and fear,  my parents and I figured I'd start online schooling and luckily for me the school offered online learning. I did of-course beg my parents not to offer any complaints to the school regarding Kylie.

Actually when I had come home that day, my eyes were blood shot red from crying, and there was no way I could hide it coming into the house. Immediately my mom saw me, she dropped her bag in shock and ran towards me asking me what had happened.

I didn't want to say much, all I could say is that I was being bullied by someone. She responded saying that it was her third time seeing my cry because of this bully; the first time being when I was embarrassed in the cafeteria, when I came home from the party, and from school after Kylie had yelled at me and my hectic conversation with Freddy. She stated that it would be best for me to start online schooling. She spoke about it with my dad in the evening and they decided I start online schooling and I agreed.

So since then I've just been in the house doing my school work,chores and whatever I can do to keep myself busy. Nathan, the other Freddy, messaged me sometime last week asking me why I had not been showing up to class, it was pretty nice that he cared...well at least I thought so. I just told him that I was now home schooling for personal reasons, and he didn't press on the matter. He did volunteer to help me with understanding  some concepts, and just studying together...since online schooling may not be as effective as physical schooling.

I was reluctant about the study and discussion sessions first, but then I eventually agreed. He came last week; Thursday and Saturday and he'll be coming this week again. I am grateful that he did take time out of his schedule to help me out, even though he said was usually busy. We would study in the small library of the house upstairs where we would discuss on topics and quiz eachother.

Apart from that, I was frequently going to the pal shelter to help out and check on Molly. Sometimes I would meet Nathan there so we would walk the animals together or carry out similar tasks in the shelter. This meant that Nathan and I were hanging out more than usual, it wasn't a bad thing since he was pretty nice, but it was kind of unexpected. He was also sometimes a bit to interrogative with his questions, some of which he asked of Freddy when I really didn't want to talk about him.

On the other hand, Molly's condition was getting considerably worse and that just added unto me being down. The doctor had said that she could only try with giving Molly her medications and leaving her to rest, otherwise it was all up to her and that just made me feel so bad. But I was there for Molly, trying to make her smile which she always did no matter how weak she felt. And that's one of the things I loved about her, she was strong.

Freddy had come to my house three times in the last week. He'd knock on my door, throw pebbles at my room's window and even leave some notes under the front door, but I never answered. He sent me some text messages and when I didn't reply he would try calling but I still wouldn't answer. Of-course I felt bad... terrible that I was ignoring him like this even though he was just checking up on me, but I had made the decision to not talk to him or relate myself with him anymore.

I had gone as far as stopping the whole frendzation program just to stop hanging out with him. It was his fault though,all of this had happened because of  him, and I blamed myself too for actually agreeing to joining the program.

Urghhh, if I had never even spoken to Freddy in the first place then all this wouldn't have happened! I wouldn't be scared to walk around the school hallways, Kylie wouldn't even hate me and she would have have just seen me has another girl in school. And most importantly, my feelings wouldn't have been hurt by all this!

The Frendzation Program Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ