Dance Class Pressure.

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At that time I could not contemplate my feelings and I really did not know how to feel. Kylie had embarrassed me so much. Is this how much she hated now, when she did not even know I existed a while back?

The tears in my eyes were threatening to come out but I tried to keep them inside, I was not going to cry here. I took my bag and water bottle, I was behind the class so my bag was just behind me, and silently walked fast out of class. Some of the members stared at me with pity in their eyes, others just stared at me with no emotions in their eyes and Kylie glared at me.

I tried to avoid any eye contact with anybody as I walked through the door and I finally reached Belle's car.

Belle had an astonished, pity full, and confused look on her face all at the same time. "Amelia! What's wrong. Are you okay?" she asked worridely.

The tears I had been keeping finally rolled down my cheeks, and I sobbed silently.

"What...what happened?" she gasped, "Is it Kylie? Oh when I get my hands on that girl."she said with so much anger as she started to open the car door.

" Belle, let's just go. "I said quietly as I sniffled.

" But if she's the cause of why you're crying then I should go and --" she started.

" Please, let's just go." I simply said. She knew she could not argue with me now, so she left the door handle, adjusted her self to seat properly then put her seat belt on and started the engine.


Fred's Pov

I was walking with Dan from the football field, we had just finished practice for the day.

"Oh for real dude, you shouldn't have stood in my way." Dan complained as he rubbed his butt cheek with his palm.

I laughed really hard. "You shouldn't have come my way man!"

During practice, Dan had been running with the ball towards the goal line to make a touch down, and well, as I was part of the opposing team in practice, I had to stop him. And what I could think of at the time was to block his way, so I moved in front of him and just stood in his way.

Yep! I didn't chase him or do any confusing moves, I just stood in his way.

He was very confused at my actions just like the other players. He continued running with speed (probably hoping that I would move out of the way) and bumped into me, and instead of me falling to the ground he fell instead with his butt first on the ground, hard. The good thing is that his protective football pants kept his butt from damage but it still hurt.

After her fell, and the other players on the pitch just froze and gasped and made 'ouch' sounds I grabbed the ball and ran with lightning speed to the other goal line, and with no surprise I scored.

Coach was very proud of me. Not that I was surprised, I am Freddy after all.

"I wasn't coming your way, you were standing in my way," he pointed out. " I thought we were friends bro, my butt really hurts."he groaned.

I stiffled a chuckle," I'm sorry, but that's how the game is, we've got to be serious during our practice sessions if we want to win the real thing." I stated." I hope your behind isn't that sore." I said trying to hide my laughter.

" It's that sore dude! If it wasn't for these protective pants I'm sure I would have been booked for butt surgery."

I burst out laughing, he hit me on the arm playfully before he joined me laughing.

" Seriously dude don't do that again."

"I'll try." I managed to say through laughs.

We continued to walk when a girl passed by us.

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