Freddy meets Amelia's dad

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My dad went for a business trip a few days ago and he had told us that he would be there until next week.

But now he was here.

Standing by the door.

Looking at me and Freddy as if he had seen a ghost.

Not that I wasn't happy to see my dad, the thing is that he came by surprise when Freddy was here and he didn't even know him, although I'm sure he had seen him before at school and probably heard about him. hopefully he doesn't remember.

The main thing was the fact that now I had to introduce Freddy to my dad as my frendzation partner and I didn't think it would be anywhere near soon because Freddy may not be exactly what my dad likes for me to be-friend.

"Hii dad!!! You're back early!"I said with the best smile and enthusiasm I could.

"Yes,"he faked laughed, "I thought I'd surprise you, but looks like I'm the one that's getting surprised." He said as he slightly turned his head to look at Freddy which means he was indicating Freddy and probably the fact that we were both covered in flour.

"Umm...I... So...umm this is Freddy my frendzation partner."I stuttered, my heart was pounding in my chest. Hopefully my dad didn't recognize who he was and hopefully he wouldn't chase him out of the house, because my dad didn't really like the idea of me being around boys.

Well of course except by brother, Johnny.

My dad just stared at Freddy without even blinking for several moments. I'm sure there were a lot of thoughts going through his head.

I'm sure Freddy sensed the tension in the air that caused him to stiffen up a bit. But him , being the causal guy and  the free person he is, he spoke up as he walked towards towards my dad. "Good day sir, I'm Frederico Callins, Amelia's frendzation partner." He said as he put out his flour covered hand for my dad to shake.

I was shocked,  by the fact that Freddy introduced himself so formally. I never that he would introduce himself to anybody has his full name. But now he had said his full name, and it's like I could hear the wheels in my dad's head turning, he had heard that name before but I just hoped he didn't figure out who Freddy was.

When my dad stopped his hand midway, Freddy dropped his hand to his palm with his jeans and then went all the way and shook my dad's hand with a smile.

My dad studied him for a few seconds.
"You don't look like anything my daughter described you to be, you definitely don't look un-athletic, I wouldn't know about how smart you are, but your look seem to differ from what she said." He blurted dryly.

"Wait... what?!" Freddy muttered as he instantly turned to face me with a frown evident on his features.

Ohhh no!

Why did dad have to say that?! The only reason I said those things was because I didn't want him to discontinue me from being frendzation partners with Freddy.

I don't even know what to say...

"Oh ummm, look at the time. It's getting late. I think Freddy should start going. And dad, I think Johnny will be thrilled to know that you've arrived, he's upstairs." I hoped dad would go upstairs so I could see Freddy off and apologize to him.

"Well at least I can surprise my son." He said with a small smile before he went up the stairs.

"I'll be going." Freddy stated as he removed the apron and walked over to the kitchen counter and dropped it before walking outside the door.

Yeah, he was definitely disappointed in me!

I quickly removed my apron and rushed after him.

"Freddy wait!" I said as I saw him walking towards his car. He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me.


"I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the cupcakes , I really appreciate it."I said sincerely.

He folded his arms in attempt to warm his arms from the evening cold.

"No prob, I had fun and I learnt how to bake delicious cupcakes too." He said with a little chuckle at the end but I could tell that he was still disappointed.

After a few moments I spoke up again,"Freddy,the things my dad said in there about what I said about you is not actually what it seems." I said.

"I don't know about that. Why would you describe me as something different from what I actually am? Or is it that you don't see me for who I am?
Amelia,what do you really think of me?"

I just looked at him not sure of how to answer his question.

He walks a little closer to me.

"Do you think I'm a bad guy, do you think I'm dum?" He continues.

"No, of course not! I just had to make you seem like one way to my dad because he's...he's not very fond of people that are out there. I mean if a person is an athlete he instantly relates them to jocks or people who could have a bad influence on me. And I don't really blame him for thinking like that because it's true most of the time. But you don't seem like a jock to me --"

"Sure..."he said unconvinced.

"I'm serious Freddy! I'm sorry I described you one way to my dad that doesn't define who you are,
I didn't know you well then,
but from what I know now, you love football and you're really passionate about it,you're a really fun person to be around, you think you're really good looking, but you're not too far off," I say jokingly with a small giggle at the end, I earn giggle from him too,"and you're smart -- most of the time. What I'm trying to say is that you're a really amazing friend!"

He just looks at me for a moment and does not say a word, and I start thinking that he may not want to be friends with me again, but then he suddenly speaks out with a chuckle, "I'll take it. But I know deep in your heart I'm the most handsome person you have ever seen."

I just rolled my eyes.

"Plus," he continues," you're a really great friend too."he says in a bit of a shy tone.

Was the Freddy Collins just shy?!

I slightly blush.

"Okay, so I've got to get going now. I'll pick you up at 7" he says.

I squint my eyes in confusion, he means 7am right?

"You mean 7am right?"

"7am!!??" he laughs, "Amelia 7 pm is actually pretty early. Real parties actually start at 10 or even 11 pm, you're lucky this one's just 7pm!"

What kind of parties begin at such times?!?

I took in a deep breath, "Okay...I'll be ready by 7"

"Don't worry, I'll bring you back home before your bedtime, so you can have your full hours of beauty sleep."he says talking to me like I'm a seven year old.

I just roll my eyes and he laughs.

He starts to walk towards his car and then I suddenly remember what Nathan said at dance class earlier today.

"Oh umm Freddy" I called him back.

He turned to face me and raised his eyebrow at me prompting me to say what I wanted to say.

"You know I've told you to call me Lia a number of times."I say. "But why do you keep on calling me Amelia?"

"What does everyone else call you?" He asks.


"Exactly, so I'm going to be the one to call you by your full name," he them puts his hands in his pockets, "because it's a unique name for a unique person."he says softly.

All I can do right now is just smile, and I'm sure my cheeks are the exact replica of tomatoes right now.

He starts to walk back to his car and when he enters it, he gives me a wave before he drives away.


Freddy's Pov.

Did I mention this before?...

She has the cutest face when she blushes.


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