
16 1 5

Author's note

It's the last chapter folks so you might as well read it all, soak in every moment and enjoy every bit of it:)

Freddy's POV

I followed after her, we were now out of the hall and she continued walking.

"Amelia" I called, but she didn't respond.

She just continued, her hands covering her face.

We were now outside, a distance from the hall, and just by the road side. And then she stopped and brought her head down, still covering her face.

"Amelia..." I said as I approached her. I sighed, putting a hand through my hair. The almost disaster Kylie and her cohorts had planned must have gotten to her, and I disliked them even more for this.

I placed my hand on her shoulder. "Amelia those guys are just despicable people that need psychiatric help, don't spare them a second thought. They won't be doing that again...please don't feel bad..."

"I ...don't feel bad...I'm just trying not to..."Her voice broke as she said this.

"Trying not to what..." I said my voice low, laced with concern.

"Trying not to laugh." She suddenly brought her face up and burst out laughing.

I just stood there shocked , perplexed and stunned.

What was going on?

She hunched over, touching her knees and laughed more.

"Did you see the look on her face when she fell onto that mess." She guffawed once again.

Was she talking about Kylie?

She looked at me, "Why are you staring as if you've seen bigfoot?" She wiped a tear from her eye.

"I... I'm you don't feel bad about the whole thing?"

"What? No! It was hilarious."

And here I was thinking she felt horrible about the whole thing. Wow, she could really astound me.

A light chuckle escaped my lips, I was still in shock. "But...but your face was void of expression back in the dance hall and how you walked away...and how you covered your face."

"I was trying my hardest to keep my laughter in, if I remained there, or answered you when you called me, I would have just burst of laughing, I needed to be at a good distance from the hall so no-one could hear me."

Now I laughed, "Oh my. Amelia, do you know how worried I was."

"I could tell, I'm sorry." She chuckled.

"And Nathan too, I'm sure seeing him stumble to the ground like that must have been hilarious." I laughed, but she didn't laugh this time.

Her face became serious and I suddenly stopped laughing. She furrowed her eyebrow, "That part wasn't funny Freddy. Why would you hit him?"

"Because he deserved it. You heard the things he said, you heard how he planned with Kylie to hurt you."

"I know, but that doesn't mean you had to dislocate his jaw."

"I can guarantee you that I did not dislocate his jaw...I think."

It was quiet for a second or two before she spoke, her face deep in thought. "It's strange to think that someone would try so hard to befriend you just to hurt you, it doesn't make any sense."

"Yeah, I know. There are people like that. That's why it's important be careful around people, just like how I was careful of him from the very beginning."

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