Too Nice

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He had deep soft blue eyes. Time seemed to freeze and we were just looking into each other's eyes. If it were seconds they were long seconds, or if it were minutes there were long minutes.

Wait, what!

Nope, this whole staring thing is just weird.

I don't even know how, but I just blurted out the first thing that came to my head.

"I'm sorry that I suggested to do your homework and for making you feel that you are dumb that other day."I said sincerely.

I'm not surprised that I just muttered this out. I was feeling really guilty about the whole thing. At least I finally relieved myself of the guilt.

He blinked, once, twice, thrice. Before making me stand straight. He gave me a confused look probably thinking of how I would just say something so randomly. He then let out a slight chuckle, "Ohhh wait, do you really remember that?"

I nodded a bit nervously because of what just happened a minute ago.

"I kinda forgot about that, it's all cool really."


At long last the guilt is gone!

But seriously, why isn't he laughing at me?

After standing in silence for about two seconds my phone beeped. I took it from my back pocket and saw that I had a message from Belle.

" It's a message from Belle, she says she'll be here to pick me up soon." I said as I looked from my phone and placed back in my back pocket. I saw that he was now standing by the bench, one foot on it one foot down as he drank some water and used his phone.

"Oh okay," he said as he looked up from his phone. "You know your way to the lounge right?"

"Uhhh yeah, yeah I do." I answered.

"Okay cool, I'll catch up."he said as he returned back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

Okay, to be honest, not sure I knew my way to their living room. I mean, when him and I were walking here there were so many turns I couldn't count. But if it means I don't walk with him in awkward silence (well at least it will be awkward for me anyway) then I guess I'll have to go with it.

"Okay."I said before I walked out of the door. Hopefully I don't get lost.

Freddy's Pov

I can't believe Amelia thought she was a bad dancer,honestly all she needed was little energy and more confidence and then she'll be pretty good.

Luckily I still knew how to dance so I was able to help her in the areas she needed help. I still find it difficult to believe that I still know how to dance, when the crazy dude taught me how. He used to be a choreographer when I was around seven years old, at that time after school hours I would follow him to his dance class where he would teach his students and I would follow in their footsteps.

Sometimes the dude and I would be in the dance room dancing and pancing to the music, laughing and generally having fun. I can't believe I even used to hang out with that guy. But it's all in the past. Now I despised dance.




It kind of felt good to dance again after a long time.

I helped her with the walking steps and side to side steps which weren't too difficult. Now we were doing the Rock steps.

I showed her how to do it, explaining to her carefully so she could understand. She found it a little difficult to get, but I understand that its the trickiest part of the cha cha cha.

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