Good Friend

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I heard my alarm ring.

Wow! My mom got me another alarm clock that wakes me up by shouting my name. I still did not care though, no matter how fancy the alarm was I still did not like alarm clocks.

I took the pillow I laid my head on, like I always did, and swung it to the alarm by my bed side without getting up or opening my eyes. The clock must be very original because I did not hear the sound of it clutter or breaking into pieces and it still rang even louder than before;




Then I felt a thrown pillow land on me. I immediately jacked up and looked towards the door to see my mom laughing at me. I was confused for a few seconds before looking down to the floor,there was no alarm clock on it. I looked back up at her and gave her a knowing look. She laughed even more.

She was the one shouting my name, not an alarm clock.

"Do you really think I would get you another alarm clock after what you did to all the other ones."You should have seen how you jumped up when I threw that pillow of yours at you. Get up and get ready for school."she said before walking out of my room.

It's funny how I swung my pillow at nothing. I yawned and stretched out my arms a bit before lazily getting of my bed. I took my towel before going in the bathroom.


I threw my bag on the couch and walked over to my mom who was by the kitchen island.

"What are we eating?" I asked all excited for breakfast.

"We are making our own sandwiches for breakfast. All the ingredients we need are already here, go take your bread slices from the pantry." she said.

I took the bread, walked back to the island and started making my sandwich." You forgot to tell me about the frendzation program yesterday." she said as she put a slice of polony on some lettuce.

"Oh. I was exhausted when I came back. It's basically about two different people who get to know and learn from each other and assist each other in their problems." I explained. "To me it's a stupid program, the only reason I joined it is because of football."

"Oh really?" She said, indicating for me to continue.

"Yeah, coach and one of my teachers believe that this program can help me concentrate more." I said as I put a tomato slice on my bread slice.

My mom nooded at what I said. "That's good." she said, she seemed to like the program idea.

"So who are you in this program with?" She asked after a few seconds.

"Some girl from my school?" I answered as I sprinkled some cheese on the lettuce.

"What's her name?" she asked.

"Amelia." I replied. I would usually forget someone's name when I hear it for the first time. But when she defended her name and said it was unique, I knew I was not going forget it. She suggested I call her Lia but I would rather call her Amelia for some reason.

"That's a nice name."my mom said."How's she like?" I guess she was really interested in this program.

"She seems shy, quiet, too nice, a goody goody and studious. She doesn't seem like the out going type."

"She sounds nice, unlike all those other girls you hang out with." she said, and I ignored her.

Where was she going with this conversation?

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