The Number Exchange

14 4 0

Yeah I knew it. With the way I was getting questions wrong I knew that Fredirico would win.

I just had a little hope left in me that maybe, miraculously, I would win but then that did not happen.

Immediately Belle announced the winner, Freddy bounced his head up to were I was seated and gave me an 'I told you' look before giving me a teasing a smirk, I just looked away.

"Well that was fun and hilarious!" Belle said with an exciting look on her face.

"Yeah, that was pretty fun and our comedian did incredible job by giving crazy answers to make us laugh and enjoy the game even more." he said mockingly as he turns to me with a grin on his face. I just rolled my eyes.

The fact that my answers sounded stupid to them did not mean that they did not make sense, and like I said before these questions were just to crazy, it's like the frendzation management made these questions in favor of my ego--sharp and cheeky opponent. I wander how he even got the craziest questions correct. It is just like all this was done in favor of him.

"So this means I can make a wish and she'll do it?"

"Yep." Belle responded.

"This is not even fair, most of those questions were hard or just too crazy. And I don't even understand how you got most of the questions right?" I blurted out. I was angry at all of this.

"The only reason you didn't win was because you didn't believe in yourself." he simply answered with a look of sincerity on his face.

I did not have anything to say to that so I just looked down with a little frown on my face. He was actually kind of right, many times when I was answering the questions, I was just scared of loosing so I thought some of my answers would be wrong and changed them only to find out that they were actually correct. I should have been more confident.

"I'll be back, I've gotta use the bathroom."Belle said before walking to the guest toilet room leaving Fredirico and I in the living room.

Maybe I could convince him to put his wish on me making brownies for him because believe me, I was really scared on what he was going to use that wish for.

I looked up to him to see him using his phone. "Ummm Fredirico--" I started but he cut me off.

"Don't call me Fredirico just call me Freddy, saying my full name makes it sound like I'm some kind of old stern business man." he said, his eyes never leaving his phone screen.

Calling him Freddy would sound strange to me, because calling him that would kind of mean that we are friends or buddies, and that was definitely not the case.

" Ohh. Um Freddy, " I said slowly feeling a little delicate as I said his name, it surprisingly did not really sound strange, but it would need some getting used to, " my offer to make you delicious brownies are still up, I can also do your homework if you want me too." I said hoping he would just agree.

He looked up abruptly from his phone and looked at me with a both frown and disappointed look,"Do you really think I would need you to do my homework, like I'm some kind of bad boy who's zero in smarts?" he questions whilst he squints at me, he sounds offended.

Ohh No! I did not mean it that way.

"Ohhh, no Freddy I didn't mean it that way, what I was trying to say is that --" I said trying to convince him that I was not trying to insult his intelligence if that's what he was  thinking, but he cut me off.

"So is that how you are, you judge people by how they look and the little things you see them do?" he said in the calmest way he could but I could see that he was offended.

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