Running away

17 2 0

We entered the movie theatre and we sat in the centre.

I looked in-front of me to see a huge movie display area, the room was dark and there were number of seats in the theatre, at least 50 of them. I liked how the seats were comfortable and flexible too, and had these cup holders. I then looked back to see that there was a projector high up that displayed pictures on the wall screen.

"Wow, this is amazing. I've never been in this kind of place before" I whispered to Freddy in awe.

"Wait, you've never been to a movie theatre before?!"he asked in a shocked tone.

"Well, I have, years ago, when I was 10 or younger, and at the time the setting wasn't as nice this." I explained, "Then I got more engaged in reading novels that I didn't find the need to go to movie theatres anymore. But this place is so cool."

He giggled,"This isn't even one of the big ones."


I know getting giddy and amazed by a cinema theatre sounds weird , but this is actually the first time I've been to a cinema after a long time and it just feels new and different to me.

"So, are you going to tell me the surprise is?"I asked Freddy who already started eating his popcorn.

He smirked, "Nope , you'll just have to wait and see."

I wondered what was really surprising about a movie. Oh, maybe it was a part 2 of a walk to remember or fault in our stars, or maybe we were watching two movies in a row or something.

I didn't even know the movie we were here to watch. Freddy had been so careful not to make me see the movie boards when coming in.

I guess the movie must be so amazing that he didn't want me to know about it until it started showing.

After a couple of more trailers the movie begun.

I don't know why but the song playing had this eerie sound to it, maybe it was just in my head.

After about 10 minutes of heavy suspicion about what this movie was about- since all the characters were dressed like they were from the 1950s and there was this oddly mysterious quietness in the  movie- an extremely odd looking doll appeared and that's when I knew this wasn't any special or ordinary movie.

"Horror?!?!?" I whispered slowly.

Freddy turned to me with a slight smile on his face, "Yep, surprise!!"

I couldn't believe this.

And the look on my face was just expressionless.

"Amelia relax,"Freddy said after seeing my expression,"it's just a movie that's not even that scary and it's not even real."

"I can't believe you would bring me here , I told I was terrified of  things like this!" I already started to feel goosebumps around me.

Then suddenly I had a loud thud and a child screaming.

I involuntary looked at the screen and also screamed,"Aaaahhhhhh!"

"Okay, I'm out of here." I said then  got up from my seat and started to head on out when Freddy pulled me back by my hand so that I landed back on my seat.

"I understand that you're scared of movies like this,  but I thought this would be a good chance for you to conquer your fear." He said.

"First of all, I'm not scared of Horror, I'm terrified! Then secondly, Freddy I can't just watch something this horrifying."

"Yeah, but I'm here, with you." He said so calmly that I even started to feel a little bit at ease myself.

After a moment of debating, I sat back comfortably on the chair and started to keep myself busy with my popcorn, but that didn't help the case because crazy things started happening in the movie , like the doll started walking and and scary panic sounds were playing and children were screaming,

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