Writer's Note

49 5 0

Guys I really need the push, l really want to write but then I need u guys to tell me my mistakes. I would love to be a writer in the future, and by you guys just commenting, you will be playing a huge role in that.

Your comments will help me greatly in improving my story.

Also please vote, this will really help people find my book.

My book has a good number of reads in its first month, but I'll be much happier to see a vote and a comment.

I'm announcing that until, I have at least 10 comments I won't be publishing any more chapters, which means the new chapters will be waiting in the drafts.

Again, please support me by voting and commenting.  Commenting and voting on my previous chapters will really make me happy. Immediately we reach 10 comments, I'll be publishing.

Thanks in advance.
Love u all. ^-^

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