Spilling the 'tea'

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Freddy's Pov

"And don't you make my brown eyes, don't you make my brown eyes blueeee...oh yeah..." I sang lowly but passionately as I walked in my house. Head swaying, fingers lightly snapping and a little body movement too.

For some reason I was really jolly...I wonder why.

Of-course I knew why I was jolly, it did of-course scare me though but I oddly liked it... I continued singing to my new favourite song, but in an even lower voice because I didn't want to wake my mom up. It was a few minutes to 3 am.

After Amelia... dang what a beautiful name... anyways, after Amelia and I were done with skydiving and left the place, we went to get Starbucks. What were a couple of teenagers doing getting starbucks so late at night and so very early in the morning, whilst they talked about the randomest of things, you ask?

I don't know, I guess living their adventurous lives!

Damn, when did I become a cheesy romantic...I didn't want to get used to this.

Well after that, I dropped her off. Well technically, parked Infront of her house, rushed to open the door for her , before looking into a beautiful pair of hazel crystal orbs, (that I'm sure would have been way more beautiful without her glasses) for a little longer than usual before we bid our good byes and she walked into her house.

Again...not something I wanted to get used to...ish.

I made my way to the stairs when I heard a familiar voice talk, "We're sneaking out of the house now, aren't we?"

I cursed under my breathe. Well, Amelia wouldn't like that. Freddy focus!

"Mom...is that you?" I said as I looked to the dark lounge, that had specks of light coming into from the windows. My hand navigated to the wall to look for the light switch and then soon a flick, light.

"Oh hey mom." I said with a soft nervous smile. The real question I wanted to ask was if she really waited in the dark parlour for a long time, waiting for me to arrive.

"Hello son" she mimicked me. "Where are you from and why are you returning so late in the night?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Mom...I was just--"

"I hope it's not one of those fret parties again, Freddy we talked about this!" She concluded, concern and disappointment evident in her tone.

"What?...no...no mom, I'm not from a party." And I'm not planning on going to anyone soon, I wanted to add.

"Then where were yo-- wait are you blushing?" She asked as she squinted her eyes and observed my features.

"What? No, I don't blush"

"Also there smile going around your face, why do you look happier then you have this past week?"

"I really don't understand what you're--"

"And did I also hear singing to 1970s love song when you were coming in..."

"No!" I instantly denied.

"Freddy..."she pressed.

I sighed. Well, here goes nothing. I walked over to the couch and sat.

I took in a deep breath and let it out, critically thinking about my words before I let them out, "Mom..." I started, "I think I may like Amelia."

Her eyes instantly widened, there was certain glint in them, sje clasped her hands together "Oh my goodness!...wait, that doesn't still explain where you were."

"Let me explain."

I went on to explain how Amelia had run away after hearing the news of her dog, and generally after having a crappy week. I told her about what Kylie and her psycho friends had done to her. I explained how I found her by the cliff, had an argument with her, kissed her... probably shouldn't have mentioned that part because her eyes widened 2x more... explained meeting the Nathan guy
...barf, before explaining the remaining events from taking her sky diving...to dropping her back home.

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