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I had been in the same position for about five minutes, wondering which car from all the vehicles here could be Freddy's. I thought about trying the cars around me to check if they would open but that would only make me look like some kind of thief infront of the security guard. I checked for a button on the key so that when I press it, it can sound and I can be able to locate it, but I couldn't find a button.

"Hey" I heard a deep voice say behind me.

"Ahhh!!" I slightly jumped up in fright and turned to see who the person was, only to see Freddy looking down at me.

"You scared me." I said, with a hand on my chest.

"What are you doing standing here?" he asked.

"I don't know where or how your car looks like." I answered.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, "You don't know my car?!" he asked in a shocked tone as if everyone in the whole school knew his car.


He groaned, "At least you should've pressed the button to locate the car." he said.

"Yeah, I thought about that but I didn't see any buttons on your key." I explained.

He stared at me blankly for a while before he motioned for me to give him the key and said, "Its an infrared controlled button located at the side Amelia, when you put your finger over it, it lights up and the car beeps."

"Oh I'm sorry, I've never touched an oh - so mighty infrared activated car key before!" I said sarcastically as I raised my voice up a little.

It's as if he was blaming me for not knowing there was a button there.

"Apology accepted." he said with a cheesy smile.

I just rolled my eyes.

He pressed the infrared button of his car remote and soon a nice beep sound was heard. The beep sound had that soothing and classy ding-dong kind of sound. I looked behind me to see that the sound came from the preserved parking space under the the carport.

My eyes landed on a black Mercedes Benz which happened to be the only car along with another car by the far right. I looked at the black car under the carport in confusion.

What was it doing there?

"Is that your... --"

"Yep" he said proudly as he cut me off, knowing what I wanted to say as he walked to his car.

"But why is it under the preserved carport for the head of department?" I asked confused.

"I think we both know that a beauty like this can't just be left opened, it needs to be protected from harsh weather conditions." he replied as he pat the top of his vehicle.

"So the authorities allowed you to park it here for free?"

"No, I pay a little cash for it. Hop on in." he said as he climbed into the car.

I entered the car and sat on the passenger seat. The inside of the car was cool compared to the weather outside, and it looked as if it was bought today, overall the car was pretty nice.

Freddy started the engine and drove out of the parking lot in silence. I then realized that music was playing from the radio, very familiar music for that matter.

I gasped.

Could it be?

Freddy glanced at my surprised and amused  facial expression. "What?" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

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