Dear Diary

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Author here! Hello hello readers , this chapter here is going to be a little different from the others cause, this one here will be a diary entry of Amelia and it's going to have a lot of information in there, twists and turns and progress!! So do not skip a beat and enjoy this chapter!! Enjoy!!

Also I'm so glad I'm almost done with this book! Hoping I can be consistent enough to finish it in the upcoming month, June. I can do this!

This book shall now be called The Frendzation Program, well that is until I find a better name, or I might just remain with this one ;)

Now back to the story:)

Dear diary,

The last two weeks of my life, that two weeks since I had my first kiss with Freddy have been quite eventful, a whole lot of ups and downs and in-betweens have happened. Woof!

But because I don't want to write a lonnnnggg essay over here I'll try and summarize it as best as I can.

First of all I returned to school the following week!!!

Was I nervous? Oh heck yes! But did I really want to do this for myself? An even more yes!

So I knew I had to power through the nerves and fear and just do it. Immediately I had walked into the school halls I was engulfed in a bone crashing hug by Belle, who literally squealed in my ear. It was a surprise to her, she didn't know I changed my mind to continue physically going to school. She was shocked for sure, but my parents were even more shocked. I guess that was a good sign.Haha.

As I went through my day, some people in my classes glanced at me, like they hadn't expected me to come back. And although those stares did make me uncomfortable I tried to distract myself by catching up with any notes I may have missed out on, and of course catching up with Belle during break time.

The next day I had decided that it was time for me to go for dance class, I was still practically a member, I just happened not to be showing up because of the incident. However, I never actually quite quit it. It was time to show up!

I hadn't seen Kylie or her friends the day before and of-course that made me extra nervous to actually walk into the class. So I decided to do something I had never done before, mask it...mask the nervousness and cover it with a confident smile.

There is only two ways that this could have gone, horribly wrong or good, and I was hoping that it would be good.

I took some deep breaths and walked into the class, it had actually started and the music immediately stopped playing once I walked in. Everyone's eyes were on me, most of which were scrutinizing gazes. And then Kylie walked up to me with a bewildered, condescending, annoyed look on her face.

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