Freddy issues

22 3 0

Amelia's Pov

I walked back into the house to see my dad seated on the couch scrolling through the channels on the television with the remote in his hand.

When I walked in, he looked up at me with an unreadable expression on his face, he placed the remote on his side on the couch.

" Lia dear," he said calmly, "Sit down I want to talk to you." He said pointing to a couch infront of him.

I walked over to the couch and took my seat. I adjusted my glasses and played with my fingers nervously.

He rubbed his temple and took a deep breathe, "Who was the boy that came here?"

"My frendzation partner daddy."

"I think you know the rules in this house Lia"

"Rules?!"I said with a sad yet confused look on my face.

His head shot up to me, "Yes rules! And the major one being that boys like that are not allowed in this house." He stated authoritatively has he pointed to the ground.

"But dad, he's may frendzation partner. And I didn't choose him to be my partner, the program chose." I tried to explain."Also..." I stuttered,"Freddy is not like other boys, from my knowledge about him he's a good person."

My dad looked at me straight in my eyes with an expression I could not quite decipher, and after a moment he stood up. "This is what I was afraid of..." He said as he rubbed his temple.

"This is how these boys do," he pointed out. "It's all part of their act, they make it seem like they are all nice and good just to make innocent people believe them. And sadly, I can see it's started working on you, and you know how I know that? You gave me a description of him that is completely different from how he actually appears!!"

"I know I described him very differently and I'm sorry for that, I should have said the truth. But dad, Freddy is not a bad person."

"And how would you know that?"

"Because he's my friend,"I defended."I would never make friends with people that would have a negative influence on me and  you know that dad. Yeah he has faults but I know he's a good guy." I stated truthfully.

"He's your friend huh?!" He repeated rhetorically, with a shocked look in his eyes.

"I don't want to see that boy in this house again and that's final." He demanded as he walked towards the stairs in anger.

"Dad!" I called out as I stood up, "You barely know anything about him, why don't you just give him a chance, at least try to get to know him a little bit more." I reasoned out.

He turned to face me, "I don't need to give him a chance because I already know about boys like him! I don't want a guy like that to hang around my daughter and that's final!!" He heavily demanded.

Tears started to form in my eyes. "What about the frendzation program?" I said really quietly, my voice cracking up a bit.

He stared at me for a moment , he studied the tears in my eyes that fogged my glasses and the emotion I tried to hide from my face.

He had this look of sympathy. "He can only be here for your frendzation program and that's all." He said sternly before walking up the stairs.

He gave me one final look before he reached the top of the stairs, "I didn't expect this from you." and then he turned back to his front and commenced.

After he had reached the top of the stairs I sat down on a chair,  removed my glasses and wiped the lenses with the hem of my shirt and wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes.

The Frendzation Program Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora