Wonders Will Never End

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An hour and a few minutes later I heard a knock on my door, I knew who it was but after that incident an hour ago I didn't really want to open the door for him.

Yes, I was still mad, well not exactly mad but I was still really annoyed and angry, I mean he almost gave me a heart attack.

I carried on trying to figure out the equation in my math homework but I heard another knock on the door, I ignored it again and tried focusing on the equation, a few seconds later I heard Freddy singing?;

" Amelia, Amelia, prince charming is here, come open the door, Amelia... "

Wait, was he really singing??!

I immediately jumped up from my seat and hurried towards the door and gave him stunned and perplexed too.

Je just looked at me with an innocent smile and said," Oh hey Amelia."

Yep, he's the definition of unbelievable.

I looked at the neighboring houses to see if anyone was looking towards this house, luckily no one was there.

"Wha-what... what was that??!" I exclaimed.

"What?, I was just singing for the princess to come and open the door for me."he said smugly.

Did he just call me princess?

My cheeks heated up a little, but I still couldn't deny the fact that I was angry with him, if that 'compliment' or whatever it was, was meant for me to forgive him for driving at a crazy high speed then it definitely did not work.

I folded my arms and looked away.

He brought his face a liitle closer to mine and raised his eyebrows in suspicion with a teasing smile, "Are you blushing?"

"What?, blushing? No no, I don't even know how to blush. I'm definitely not doing that. My cheeks are just heating up from the anger I feel inside, you know, from when you almost put me in a trauma from such high speed." I said as I tightened my folded arms and turned my face to glare at him.

Also, that was a good excuse.

Not that I was blushing because that is definitely not I was doing.

He had a puzzling look on his face," Is that your idea of glaring? "he aksed.

Ugh, I couldn't even glare properly!

" Whatever," I said as I unfolded my arms and started talking in a more serious tone."Freddy, the speed you drove me at was unbelievably high, what if something had happened? And not to talk of the fact that I've never been in such a high speed before. I was so scared" I said expressing myself truthfully.

He looked at me intently for a few seconds before he sighed and out his fingers through his hair. "Fine. I shouldn't have driven at such velocity and I'm sorry. It won't happen again." he said and I could tell he was be sincere.

"Apology accepted." I said with a proud smile. "Wait, what do you mean by it won't happen again?" I asked.

"I mean the next time I drive you, it won't be at a high speed." he simply said.

"WOAH, okay wait a minute. Do you really think I'm going to let you drive me again?"

"I don't think so, I know so - car buddy." he then playfully elbowed my arm before walking into my house.

"So what are we doing today?"

I closed the front door and followed behind him.

"Well since Belle won't be coming, she sent me our activity for today, she also said that she'll be here for the next session."I said as we both sat down opposite each other of the dinning table.

He nodded.

I opened up the email that Belle sent to me and began reading it;

*Welcome to your fourth Frendzation session. We believe that both frendzation partners have become good friends in the past few weeks...*

(a long paragraph later...)

*... And that's why it's so important to to try and speak out about your fears. Today both of you should speak about two of your fears and as a bonus, say one embarrassing fear you have/thing about yourselves.*

*The other person must give advice on how to help the person overcoming their fear*.

*Reminder, this is to help strengthen your trust for each other as friends and develop confidence in overcoming fears."*

After reading I placed my phone on the table and said," So... That's our activity for today."

"Okay, this is crazy, this is just the fourth session and they're telling us to talk about our fears and embarrassing stuff about ourselves?"

"Well... that's why they what they said we should do,I guess." I said a bit too quietly.

Yeah Freddy was right, how could they tell us to talk about something sensitive.

"Okay then you go first." Freddy said casually.

"Wait what?" I was taken aback by his statement. "Why don't you go first? I dint want to go first. You go first." I insisted.

"Uhh, but I dint have any fears."

I widened my ears at him, "Oh common Freddy, even the toughest people have fears and I'm sure you do."

"Well, you're wrong cause this dude over here has no fears at all, nothing to hide, nothing deep. That's just me Amelia."

Even though he said it with the usual teasing and casual tone I could feel some certain edge to it.

There was something behind his eyes he didn't want to be seen. He didn't want to open up.

" Now," he said breaking the small silence and returning to his full on casualty, "You say."

I heaved a long sigh. "Well I guess it's for the best, I could use some advise on these. Okay..." I sighed again. "Two of my fears would be:I'm terrified of horror movies and I'm super afraid of heights."

Wait, why is he not laughing at me?

"Well, that's pretty normal. You really don't have to so scared to say them out. But one thing I can't believe is that you're scared of horror movies, they're not even real."

"Mmm, that's not what my grand-mother told me" I stated.

He just giggled.

"Also having acrophibia is kind of weird when I'm the same person that wanted everything to do with flying airplanes, possibly going to outta space and make new discoveries. But look at me, I can't even board a plane, if my family and I want to travel somewhere we either take the car or the train." I said as I looked down at my fingers.

It was honestly pretty sad. I remember taking about a whole year rethinking whta I wanted to be because of my stupid fear.

Freddy looked at me for a while as if trying to study me before saying," Well, the Amelia I've come to know these past few weeks is confident and brave, she's the same person who went back to that dance class and showed them what's what! She's also the same person who didn't go into shock after I drove at an incredible speed."we both giggled at theast part.

" And with just a little more confidence, I'm sure that won't be an issue - Austronat slash Pilot Amelia." he said as he put his hand on his forehead, in a salute sign.

I smiled so warmly. I was amazed. Not only could I believe that I talked to Freddy about something that was so serious to me but also that he had given me an amazing speech.

I guess, wonders will never end.

"Now tell me something embarrassing about yourself."


I hoped you enjoyed the chapter.

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