Taking a risk

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Amelia's POV

I had been trying to put myself to sleep, but it didn't work. The fact that I was tired didn't even matter I just couldn't get  myself to sleep. I got up, went to the kitchen and got myself a glass of warm milk. Before I knew it, I had drained all the contents of the glass. I walked back up to my room and on the way there I let out a long yawn.

That was a good sign. I went on my bed and got comfortable, sure I would fall asleep this time. And just as I was about to drift of to sleep I heard the sound of something hitting my window. It was probably a bug, but if it was indeed a bug, that bug sure had weight.

I decided to ignore the sound and try go back to sleep when I heard it again and again and again.

It's almost as if something or someone was hitting my window. I got up from my bed quietly and grabbed my dad's baseball bat from underneath my bed. I kept it here incase it would come in handy some day.

I held the bat up to my right shoulder ready to swing, walking to the window slowly. I quickly pulled the curtain aside and saw no-one.

I looked around to the sides of the window for the criminal and that's when I heard someone call out in a whisper, "Pssst, Amelia." 

I looked down and saw


"Hey, Amelia"

There he stood near a tree with what looked like pebbles in his hand, he was smiling at me and waving at me, he had no idea how handsome he looked there in the moonlight and I almost smiled back at him.

He lifted his eyebrow when he noticed the bat I was holding, "what's with the bat?" He whispered.

"Uhh...I thought you were criminal." I whispered back, a bit embarrassed.

He cracked a laugh. "What are you doing here at this time of the night?" I queried.

"Taking you for a drive. Common over here, let's go."

"What?" I exclaimed trying not to be so loud so I wouldn't wake up my parents and brother, "At this time?"

"Yup" he answered ever so casually.

"But I... I can't...How, but I--"

"Don't think about it too much, just get over here. You trust me right?"

I definitely didn't expect any of this especially at this time. I didn't even know how to act or what to say but I did know I could trust him.

I bit my lip."I'll be there in a minute." I quickly said before I closed the curtain walked over to my wardrobe and looked for something more presentable to wear than my pyjamas.

As I got ready rather quickly I thought about how going out at this time would be practically sneaking out of the house, and I didn't know how to feel about it... but the fact that I was somewhat giddy about it was weird...I felt like I was in one of the novels I've read.

Instead of putting my hair into a bun, I let it down in a ponytail. I took in a deep breath before I quietly walked out of my room, more than careful to not wake anyone up.

I wasn't comfortable with the fact of just living the house like this in the middle of the night without anyone knowing, so I made a mental note to myself to tell my mom about it, soon. I will, I don't know how she'll react, but I definitely will.

I reached the door and opened it to see a casual looking Freddy slung up on his car, with a hand in his pocket and a smirk on his face. I think I may have cracked a smile when I set eyes on him, but of-course I immediately looked down.

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