Incredulous Trap

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Amelia's Pov

I had woken up earlier than usual this morning, what could I say?, I was so excited about today. The day my dreams come true, well that is if I actually get to pass the auditions, and luckily for me I had a better chance of being accepted now. ( Belle told me that I was now 'less worse'. So I guess that's something, but she was probably over exaggerating.)

I bath quickly, extra ironed my clothes so they looked super neat, did my hair in a, pony tail my mom called 'cute' and was ready for school. Today was indeed a special day.

I waited for sometime before Belle appeared in her car in the driveway. "Common, hop in." She yelled.

I raced to her car and jumped right into the passenger seat. "Yellow. " I greeted beaming.

"Well someone is extremely excited today," she said as she started the engine.
"I'm just glad you improved on your dancing." she continued. I just continued smiling, I was extremely giddy.

Soon we reached school and as we were walking down the hallway, we had someone call us. We turned to see Kylie walking towards us. "Hey guys." she greeted.

"Hi" Belle and I greeted back.

"Yeah so Amells I just wanted to tell you that the whole audition thing will be during the lunch break by the patio that is just before the cafeteria."

Belle gave her a suspicious look. "Umm... Why don't you have the dance auditions in a dance class," she said in an obvious-duhhh tone." Don't you think it would be weird having this whole audition thing in front of the cafeteria?" I nodded in agreement, Belle did have a point.

Kylie gave Belle an odd look before replying, I'm not sure why she looked at her like that but maybe it's because she just realized that she hadn't thought the whole thing through.

"Ohh," she suddenly giggled "No you see, we are trying to see if the people that really want to be part of my dance club are actually confident to dance in front of others. I mean part of being a dancer is preforming in front of an audience right?"

"Kylie, I'm not really sure if I can -" I started but she cut me off.

"No need to worry Amells," she put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure you can dance in front of a few people, don't forget that you are a wonderful dancer and btw, not everyone is going to be looking at you, I mean they will be too busy eating their lunch." she spoke so soothingly, I almost didn't feel scared anymore.

Keyword being almost.

"How do you know that she's a good dancer, Have you even ever seen her dance before?" Belle asked in the same dubious tone as before.

Kylie exhaled heavily as if she was annoyed, but I could comprehend, the questions Belle asked Kylie sounded as if she really thought Kylie was up to no good.

" Ohh darling Belle, "she forced a smile." Just from the way Amells looks I can tell she's a really great dancer."

"Ohh really" she said her tone full of sarcasm.

"Yeah really. Oh and Belle, have you bought the new pom poms, ribbons and all the new cheer-leading stuff yet?"

Belle looked at me before she looked back at Kylie, confusion was evident on her face. " When was I told to buy new cheer-leading stuff?"

"Didn't you know that coach was so inspired and happy by your determination and hard work towards cheer-leading so she appointed you as our knew Go-getter, which means you now have the privilege of getting us our new cheer-leading equipment. Coach said that you should've got some new equipment yesterday."

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