Another Chance

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Amelia's Pov

"Good morning mom, good morning dad" I said as I trotted down the stairs.

My dad was sitting by the kitchen table  reading a newspaper and drinking coffee whilst my mom was washing the dishes.

"Good morning honey." They both said randomly.

I walked to my little brother, Johnny, who was also sitting by the kitchen table munching down his breakfast.
I pinched his cheek softly, " Hey small brother"

He swayed my hand from the side of his face and looked at me with a scowl on his face, "I'm not a baby, I'm just seven. Greet me in the same way you greet mom and dad."

My brother is sweet, funny but can also be annoying.

"Oh, but Johnny, you don't greet her like that." my mother said interrupting.

"That's because she still talks to herself."

Oh oh

Does he listen to me talking to myself?

"No I don't speak to myself" I denied.

"Peharps you have forgotten. Let me remind you. Remember the other time when you talking to yourself about how you have never hugged-"

And that's the annoying part.

"Um-uh, Johnny you're going to be late for school, common get up the bus will soon be here." I hastily said has i put his school bag on his back.

"Oh, its a secret, don't worry I won't tell." Then he winked at me.

My face was red with embarrassment, and my arms were folded. "Go... go, your school bus must be here now."

That was close, he almost shared one of my most embarrassing secrets.

My mom and dad laughed."Looks like you two are now keeping secrets, don't you want to tell us? "
My father joked.

"I'm going to be late for school, I better get going." I said dismissing his question.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast darling?" my mom asked.

I grabbed a banana. "I'll just have a banana, bye." and with that I was out the door.


Yes, it was finally Thursday, the day before the dance auditions. Belle still believes that I'm the worst dancer she has ever laid her eyes on, so I asked her to teach me any dance moves she knew, and to my surprise, she agreed, but that would only be after she is done with cheer practice which is after school. The good thing is that the practice is only half an hour, so I won't have to wait for long, also waiting for the practice to finish would always give me time to read my novels, so that's good.

Another day of school at Green Field High, l was walking down the hall to my locker and I managed to pass by the noticeboard. Passing by it simply made me remember the embarrassing incident I had with Federico that day.

Luckily for me, I haven't crossed paths with him since then. Kylie was being nice to me and I didn't need any trouble from her concerning Federico. To be honest, what Belle said to me a few days back got me thinking and a bit worried.

But if I'm not in any relation to Federico, then I guess there's nothing to worry about. I eventually reached my locker, grabbed my books and was ready for the first lesson of the day.

Freddy's Pov

"Freddy, may I have a word with you?" My physics teacher, Miss Heather called me as students started fleeing the classroom as the break-time bell had gone.

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