Didn't Deserve This

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Fred's pov

It was lunch time which is also known as practice time for the green claws. The first game of the season was approaching so coach made us make use of anytime we had even our lunch breaks.

I was seated by the football stands, alone, watching my ex-teamates practice. Every once in a while I would yell things like 'Go  for the ball' or 'Run faster'. I hadn't even touched my food yet, my eyes were locked on the field, scanning it like I was looking for a bacterium.

The quarterback replacement, Jack, wasn't actually bad in playing, but I knew that I was better and that I was what the team really needed. I may sound mean, but it's sad to see someone else be the star of something you know belongs to you.

Sometime after, I heard loud sounds of people chatting and laughing from the cafeteria. I wondered what all the noise was about, even the green claws stopped practicing and started walking towards the cafeteria to find out what was happening.

People were crowded in the patio, I squeezed through so I could actually see what was happening, I found myself standing next to a laughing Dan pointing to his front. I looked in front of me and saw a girl with glasses and golden brown hair covered in some white and brown substances and something that looked like eggs.

Ohh yeah, it was the girl I met at the noticeboard. From how I saw her that time we met, she seemed like a shy, nervous , calm kind of girl. Her type of person didn't deserve this kind of humiliation. And from the way Kiley and her friends were laughing, i just knew they had something to do with this.

The girl looked down, her face was also covered but I could tell that she was beyond sad ;despairing, desolate and despondent were more of the words to use to describe her facial expression. Tears were welled up in her eyes but not even one drop left her eye. I kind of felt for her.

The people around me laughed greatly, with every pasing seconds their laugher grew louder and louder, some pointed, others took videos whilst others just laughed their lungs out.

Dan tapped my shoulder. "Dude why aren't you laughing, this is halirious." he said trying to control himself from laughing.

"I'm going to the toilet." I said nonchalantly before turning back and walking towards the Gents room.

I wasnt really interested in all this. I didn't want to go to the restroom but with everyone laughing like idiots, I just needed to get out of there.

As I walked through the  hallways I saw miss Heather and Mr Russell talking. She saw me, "Oh, Freddy come here."

I approached them. "Well we spoke about it and Mr Russell as decided to give you another chance." she said.

"Really!" my eyes were fixed on Mr Russell, I needed to know if what she was saying was truth.

"Yeah, your teacher here as been nice enough to convince me to give you another chance,one of the things she said that made me agree was that you would join a program that would help keep your focus on football." he said.

Ohhh, the online program thing.

Miss Heather arched her eyebrow at me with a slight smile on her face, she was trying to remind me of the deal.

I turned my face back to Mr Russell." Yeah, yeah the in-fluen-tial program thing. Yeah I'll join it."

He gave me a small smile, and from the corner of my eye, I could see that miss Heather had a huge satisfied smile on her face. He took a step closer to me and placed his right hand on my shoulder."Look Freddy, I didn't mean to be hard on you, I just want the best for our team. Honestly, I didn't like the idea of getting a new quarterback, I know that you are very passionate about this team so I just had to give in. I hope you won't dissapoint this time. "

I nodded my head." Good,so I guess I'll see your on the field winner? "he said. 'Winner' is a term he calls every member of the green claws.

" Yes coach. " I said returning back his smile as we shook hands.

He nodded at miss Heather who was standing besides him before walking away.She looked at me and gave me a wide smile, a smile that said 'this all happened because of me and I deserve a very big thank you'

" Thank you so much ma'am, if it wasn't for you I don't think I would be able to get back in the football team." I said. Miss Heather was really an amazing person and I'm grateful to have as a teacher that understands.

"Happy to help, but this time my assignment should be done."she said with a bit of a serious tone.

" Yes, no worries." I stated.

That evening I got home, I searched for the program and joined it.

Amelia's Pov

" Honey please open the door. " my mom pleaded. She had been by the door for about five minutes trying to come into my bedroom.

"Please just leave me alone mom. I just want to be alone." I cried.

During the whole lunch break, people laughed at me, mocked me, took pictures of me covered in all those substances and posted it on social media. Some even called me disgusting nicknames. It was all too much for me, so I called my mom to pick up from school immediately after the lunch break. When we came home I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door, and cried my eyes out.

I'm sure, if Belle was there, things would have turned out differently. Now I understood, I understood her suspicions, I understood why Kylie was being so nice to me and why she gave Belle those odd looks and told her to buy 'cheerleading stuff'.

But what I didn't understand was why she did that to me. I never even spoke to Fredirico after that day I spoke to him by the noticeboard, there is no way I could have been a threat to her. Why  would she do something like that to me?, I didn't deserve this kind of immorality. I really thought we could be good friends. Everyone was right, I'm a too kind and gullible person.

I felt terrible, I was very sad, I just couldn't stop crying, and the memory of people laughing like crazy made me feel worse. I remember, as people sniggered and took videos, Kiley walked and her friends walked over to me and said whilst chuckling " Congrats, you passed the auditions." she then past me laughing uncontrollably with her friends.

I felt horrible.

Sometime later, I heard another knock on my door. "Dear, Belle is here to see you."

"Please tell her to go away." At this time, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

I cried myself to sleep.


Those GGGs are despicable people.

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