Opening Day

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Amelia's Pov

From the parking lot, I saw people laughing, hugging and chatting in exhilarating excitement, probably about their summer holidays and the late night parties they had.

In one corner, the schools football team, the Green claws, were just returning from football practice, and from the way they looked, they appeared drained out. The coach didn't seem to care because he kept on talking, and from the way his face looked, he meant serious business.

The green claws are going to be something this year.

In another corner, I saw the GGGs, which is short for the gorgeous girls of greenfield high ( what an alliteration!) make their way from their hot BMW sports car to the main entrance of the school.

They just wore their normal school uniform and yet they made it rock. All eyes were on them as they made an entrance. I could not help but imagine them walking in slow motion.

Honestly, I do not really like the girls. They were bratty, mean and condescending people. But when it came to admiring them that was everybody's role to play.

I went to my locker and started getting ready for the first lesson when I felt somebody grip my shoulders tight and shout into my ear. I let out a small scream and turned around to see Belle.

" You know you scared me?" I said putting my hand on my chest.

" What are friends for?" she replied. I rolled my eyes at her and kept arranging my books in my locker.

" I can't believe that you actually came to school today. Were you not exhausted from assisting at the Animal Pal Shelter yesterday?"

" Yeah but you know I can't miss a first day of school, especially when Literature is the first lesson."

"You're a freak for Romeo and Juliette."

" Well excuse me for loving such an interesting story." I said defending myself. The bell rang and we started walking to class.

"So are you planning on joining the theater club?, who knows maybe you could be Juliette."

" Oh no. I don't like acting. Everybody knows that dancing is my thing." I said smiling.

"Amelia, I've seen you dance. Dancing is not your thing."she stated as a matter of fact.

I frowned and said " Well...", but she cut me off.

" But luckily for you, I heard that there is a dancing club this term, maybe they could teach you."

"What!" I said in surprise. "There is a dancing club, I thought the school cancelled that."

"Yeah but Kylie from the GGGs spoke to the head teacher about the importance of dance and how it could bring money into the school, so the school authorities decided to bring it back. "

" So Kylie is the leader of the dance club?" I was really excited about the dance club but I just could not imagine Kylie being the leader, it would be hell.

We entered class and got seated.

" Yep, I'm sure there is more information about this on the notice board. We'll go check it after class."


Freddy's Pov

I opened the classroom door and went right straight to my seat.

"Young man, you are late" The math teacher said as he glared at me.

" Sorry. Just return to your teaching and pretend that I'm not here. " I said in an exasperated tone, as I put my hand through my hair.

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