Dance Problems

17 4 0

Amelia's Pov

I had finished taking my bath, dressing up and packing my things for school including my dance outfit, and I was just about to start combing my hair when my alarm rang.

Yep! I had a thing for waking up before my alarm rang. I loved waking up early and and getting ready for school.

I turned the alarm clock off and walked over to my full length mirror to comb my hair. Whilst combing my hair I thought about the dance class. It was fun yesterday and too it up Kylie did not come and insult, embarrass or hiss me around. The only thing I got frome her were threatening glares which she probably gave me because I was not doing the stretches very well.

Thanks to Amanda from dance class I got to realize that if I got flexible enough then I would not be all that bad in dancing. Last night after supper, I did some stretching exercises that could help me become more flexible like abdominal stretches and hamstring stretches. Well at least I tried to do the stretches twisting my body in all different angles was not very relaxing, and the pain I felt when I was doing them and the those bone cracking sounds made me apathetic.
Nevertheless I still did them and that is what really matters.

I settled for a low ponytail grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.


School was up for the day which was surprisingly really fast. I dressed into my dance outfit before hopping over to dance class. Not astonishing I was one of the earliest people to arrive. We were five people in the classroom.

I went over to the rail and started with my stretches. A few minutes later I heard some sounds that sounded like snickering and laughter coming from behind the slightly opened door. I angled my head and picked through the door from where I was on the rail to see Kylie laughing with her friends. And they sounded frightening like they were up to mischief or something of the sort.

A few moments later Kylie walked in with a proud smirk on her face, she looked over to my side and gave me an evil smile. I swallowed hard, I suddenly felt scared.

'I shouldn't be scared' I tried to convince myself.

It's not like she is going to do anything to me, and maybe she did not even mean to give me an evil smile, maybe it was just all in my head. And besides, what harm could she do to me without her friends by her side? I shook my head to clear the thoughts racing through it. Took some deep breaths to calm myself and continued with my stretches. There was no need to worry, right?

Soon more people came and all nineteen of us were present.

"Attention, attention!" Kylie shouted whilst clapping her hands in the air when we were all settled.

"Today we'll be doing the cha cha dance."

The whole class gasped, especially me. We just started the dance class, weren't we supposed to take it slow? Especially for a person like me who is not that good in dancing?

This was going to be bad.

She put her hand in front of her, signaling that we should stop gasping and everyome kept shut. "We can't be waisting time with simple dance moves, we have to move fast because our prom is near and we'll be presenting. So this is not the time to be surprised or to be giving excuses." she said in an authoritative voice.

Wait! Did she say the dance class will be presenting? Like present infront of the whole school on Prom day? I was not even thinking of going to prom and now I hear about presenting in front of many people!

What have I gotten myself into?

I just stood there, breathing in and out nervously watching her as she talked. This could not be a scheme of hers to make my life miserable right?

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