Something's Fishy

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Amelia's Pov

"Would you just leave that magazine alone, you're abusing it and it's making you ignore your friend." I stated annoyed.

Belle was comfortably lying on my bed scanning over the boy magazine she was holding.

"First of all, this is a different boy magazine from the one I was looking at earlier on, secondly I'm sorry for leaving you to go to the notice board, when I said that I would come with you.Were you able to get some information on the dance club?"she asked.

" Not really, but I did get to embarrass myself in front of the most popular guy in school." I replied dryly as I walked to my bathroom with some comfortable clothes for me to change into.

" WAIT, do you mean Freddy as in the hottest, most good looking, gorgeous guy in our school" she said in disbelief.

" How many Freddys are they in our school?" I replied after I finished changing and came out of the bathroom and sat on my small sofa. I changed into a loose fitting top and loose pants so it didn't take long for me to change.

"Two" She retorted as she turned to face me.

And it was true there were two boys in school with the name Federico, the one we all know and the other one that wasn't very known like myself, loved cats and sometimes participated at the animal pal shelter.

" Oh, well yeah the popular Freddy."

"OMG, How, what... where, what did you say?"

"From where I was standing when I went to the noticeboard, I couldn't see the dance flyer so I had to stand on my tiptoes, but then when I did that my face was directly in front and very close to Federico's face in the green claws picture, and he happened to see me and may have thought that I was making out his picture, and what made it even worse is that I was also drooling. Gosh, it was so embarrassing" I said dropping my head to the pillow that was on my lap.

There was silence for some seconds before Belle spoke. "Wow, what a first impression."was all she managed to say.

"Really, aren't you supposed to make me feel better"

"I'm supposed to, but you embarrassed yourself in front of Federico and you happened to be drooling."

"You know I drool when I'm struggling with something" I said to my own defense.

"Yeah about that, you should really stop doing that. What kind of 16 year old pretty girl drools like a 5 year old kid that has seen Channing Tatum for the first time? "

"I'm not pretty." I said in a low tone.

"I really don't understand why you have such low self-esteem," she said in exasperation. "you're lucky you have a friend like me to put up with all your negative talks."

"Hey," I said changing the topic, standing up from the sofa suddenly feeling giddy. "Kylie said I could audition for the dance class."

Belle suddenly sat down straight and gave me an incredulous look. "Woah.. wait, do you mean Kylie the diva, the GGG, the cheerleader."

"How many Kylies are they in our school?"

"Two" She answered and she was right - for the second time. There were two Kylies like there were Freddies. The popular Kylie we all know and the unpopular Kylie, but this Kylie was more into collecting stamps.

"Oh, right, well yeah the popular Kylie" I said in defeat as I sat next to her.

"No offense but has she seen you dance before?"

I knew were she was going with this. "It's just an audition Belle."

"But with the way you dance, I don't think you should even be allowed to audition-" She saw me scowling then added whilst putting her hands up in the air, "just saying."

"Well, I'll let you know that Kylie said that I look like a natural dancer." I stated proudly.

She looked at me straight in the eyes and raised her eyebrows in shock before backing away and saying, "Okay, there's got to be a hundred things wrong with that statement, but I'll just mention two. Number one : no you don't look like a natural dancer and number two : was she really being nice?"

"Look, Belle, the fact that you see me as a bad dancer doesn't mean that everyone sees me as one, then secondly, yeah she was being nice to me. I think the fact that we are both into dance, may have made her like me and maybe we could be friends."

"Look Lia, you're a sweetheart, you're too nice and friendly but you can also be very gullible. I don't think Kylie would be that nice to you, you two haven't had a long enough conversation before. Something's gotta be up...Wait where did you say she spoke to you again? "she asked suspiciously.

" By the noticeboard. I really don't understand why you have to bother your-" I said has I stood up to get my school bag.

" Wait, did Freddy see you guys talking?"

"Yeah, but-" I started, but she cut me off again.

"Uhh-ha," she snapped her fingers proudly. "I knew something was wrong. Maybe Kylie was only acting that way, because she saw you talking to Freddy, you know she doesn't want anybody near her man, she must be up to something."

"Belle, I don't think that it should be that hard for you to think that somebody like Kiley would want to be friends with someone like me. Besides if she's really up to something, why would she be so nice to me?" I said as I sat down on my sofa and started removing books from my bag.

" Don't you get it Lia?, her acting all nice to you is part of her whole plan. I'm telling you that girl is up to something, she may think of you as a threat. "

"There is no way that I can be a threat to Kylie, that was probably the first and last time I spoke to Federico." It was very obvious, after that very humiluating encounter with him, I don't think he would ever talk to me again.

"I don't think Kylie, is going to let anyone slip off her fingers, remember what she did to Veronica last year?"

I could never forget the bad thing Kylie did to Veronica last year. When Kylie found out that Veronica was seeing Federico behind classes, she became so furious, Veronica thought that Kylie would just forget about it, but she didn't. On prom day, Kylie messed up Veronica's very expensive dress with mud and chicken poop( nobody knew were she got those things from), it was very embarrassing and humiliating for Veronica, now she's known as the previous GGG. But I'm not seeing Federico and I'm not as gorgeous as Kylie, so I can't be a threat to her right?

I shook away the thoughts on going in my head. "Belle, I have homework to do and I believe you have some homework too." I said changing topic.

"Okay, but I'm just looking out for you Lia."


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