It's a Misunderstanding

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Amelia's Pov

It was Federico.

Peanut butter and pickles!! Was I just staring at him.

"Umm... Hey, Is there anything I can do for you?" I said stuttering looking down at the floor.

" No not really, I was just wondering why you were all over me." He said casually as he folded his arms.

My head immediately bounced up, " excuse me?" I asked completely confused.

He looked at me in an even more confused expression and said, " Were you not just drooling over my football Pic? "

I looked at the football poster then I looked at Federico in the poster, and then it hit me. Federico's head was on the top right corner of the poster, just beneath the dance poster. When I stretched to see what was written on the dance poster, my face may have been directly infront of Federico's
face making it look like I was doing something else.

This is so embarrassing.

"Ohh, no..., I was not doing that, I was just - " I said stuttering, but then he cut me off.

"Then why are you drooling?" He said, smirking slightly , pointing to my lips.

I raised my hand to my lips, and the reality is that there was saliva beneath my lips. It was probably from struggling to see the dance poster. I have this tendency of drooling when I am struggling with something. I wiped the saliva off with the back of my head.

Ohh No. This is really bad.

What does he think of me now? If I were him, I totally would have thought that I was drooling over me.

"No... no it's really not what it looks like, I was just trying to get to the dance poster but then my head couldn't reach it so I... " I said, trying desperately to convince him. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea.

He smiled and placed his firm hand on my shoulder before saying, " It's okay, I do look good in that picture. I'm just saying that I don't think it's a good idea for you to go all crazy about my picture in public."

From this statement I could tell that he did not believe anything I was saying, then secondly he has a huge ego. Why would he think that I, from all the other girls in school, would drool over him? It was probably even his first time seeing me, ever.

" No, you are misunderstanding the situation, I was just trying to get to the poster but then l couldn't see it clearly, so I had to step on my tip toes, but I was struggling so I started drooling..."
he just stood there, leaning on the wall, smiling, watching me helplessly try to explain myself. I was still explaining myself when somebody, possibly a friend of his called him.

" I've gotta go, see ya" he said before walking to his friend.

That was so embarrassing. I felt so humiliated even though I don't think anybody else heard us. My first conversation with the most popular guy in school turned out to be the worst. I slammed my palm against my forehead, closed my eyes and whispered in sheer embarrassment 'Ohh Amelia.'

Just almost immediately I felt someone touch my shoulder, I jolted then spun around to see non other than Kylie (the leader of the GGGs and apparently the most prettiest girl in the whole school) and her two best friends, Emma and Brittney standing right in front of me.

"So hey, Ana...Anell-Ahila" Kylie stuttered snapping her fingers in the air and squinting her eyes trying to recall my name.

Belle is in the cheer-leading squad that Kylie, Emma and Britney also, obviously happen to been in. On some occasions when I'm really tired and can't walk home, I wait for Belle until she's done with practice so she can drop me home. Belle being the friendly, fun and socialist person that she is has introduced me to all her cheer-leading members. But for one reason or the other the GGGs always forget my name. Maybe it's because their heads are filled with glitter, makeup and boys.

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