Mission Accomplished

26 4 4

Freddy's Pov

I parked my car in the garage and got out of it, before slamming the door pretty hard.  I loved my car and usually I wouldn't even tolerate a scratch ever having to come on it. But right now I was in a bad mood, a really bad mood.  I marched into my house with the aim of going to my room.

Walking towards the stairs I saw my mom in the living room doing some paper work. She looked up at me, "Hey honey, how was school today?" She asked before looking back down to sort her papers.

"It was okay mom." I simply replied, not wanting to go into any details.

"That's good dear. I'm just trying to get some work done before I can go grocery shopping. Want to come along?"

"No, I'm fine." I answered.

"Alright then." She answered and with that I started up the stairs before she spoke up again.

"Freddy, are sure you're okay...you look troubled."

"I'm fine, I'm just tired from football practice and school work that's all."

"Okay...be sure to get some rest dear."

I nodded and walked up the remaining stairs, walked straight to my room entered it and closed it. I Immediately dropped my bag on the floor and sat down on my bed the thoughts of me and Amelia's conversation started to replay in my head.

I was mad, angry, sad, confused...

How on earth did I not know that she was dealing with all this... having to fear standing next to me because of some girl that thinks owns me.

Amelia had fear going to dance class because of Kylie, had to be cautious standing next to me because of Kylie, cancelled the frendzation program because of Kylie, got embarrassed because of Kylie...

... Everything because of Kylie.

Who did Kylie think she was trying to hurt someone like Amelia?!

Amelia , the sweetest and kindest human being I've met, was hurt all because of Kylie's stupid crush on me.

I had made it clear in the past that she and I were just friends but she still had the guts to bully people because of me?! Especially someone I care about?

There was no way I was going to let that happen. Screw our so called friendship, Kylie was crossing the line this time and I wasn't going to take it.

Amelia had to go through all this because of her and I felt terrible about that. I wasn't a good enough friend to her because I didn't notice what was going on with her when the answer was clearly infront of me.

How did I not figure it out? And there I was just thinking she was running away from me because she didn't like me or something when that wasn't the case at all.

Slowly I anticipated going to Amelia's house to hang out with her, either it was just for the sake of the program or just having to talk to her because it was just great spending time with her. Getting to know about her, her shy, naive, weird but also exciting character. Going out with her to the movies, the pal shelter, all those good times. Literally just hanging out with her made me forget that I had family issues.

And then all of a sudden the friendship was broken because of someone like Kylie.

I ran my hand through my hair and hardened my jaw.

I was going to have a serious talk with her tomorrow.

I stood up from my bed, deciding to go and freshen up when I saw a sticky note on my room's door. I walked towards it and saw the number '10' in bold letters written on it.

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